Essays on Activists

International Sympathies For Indian National Movement

Introduction The new renaissance spirit of scientific enquiry scepticism, humanism and aggressive materialism which was rapidly transformed by Europeans. Pandit Nehru said about it Government had stood in the past in the theory at least, for Indian unity and democracy. It took pride in the fact that its rule had brought about the political unity...
1563 Words 3 Pages

A Wave Of Change: A Case Study On The Deccan Education Society, Poona

Abstract: After preliminary dabblings, mid-19th Century India saw western education making some progress, with the establishment of a few high schools and colleges in the larger cities of Calcutta, Madras, Bombay and Poona. The three Presidency capitals of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay saw the foundation of the three Universities. Graduates in those days, acquired jobs...
2252 Words 5 Pages
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