Essays on Addiction

Young Tobacco Users

I believe that teens using tobacco is not good and it is severing to their life. If they start using tobacco young and if that becomes a habit it can affect their whole life. About 28 percent of high school student use cigarette. Once they start using tobacco it could be difficult to stop. They...
607 Words 1 Page

Legalization Of Marijuana In Canada

Cannabis is a subject a lot of people talk about as we all know, should we or should we not legalize it, and why? Well today i’m going to investigate about a country that legalized marijuana and what the positive and negative consequences are for this to happen. Canada is known for legalizing both medical...
745 Words 2 Pages

Confessions Of A Shopaholic

It is imperative that consumers practise responsible financial decision-making processes, otherwise poor choices can lead to excessive mounds of debt. Good financial decisions include balancing your money between needs and wants, saving money and paying off debts, and spending more money on durable products rather than non-durable products. In the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic,...
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Putting It All Together & Living Minimally

A person doesn’t become a shopaholic overnight. It’s something that has to be practiced on a regular basis over many years. It’s a title you have to earn through dedication, but it’s not necessarily one to be proud of. Similarly, you shouldn’t expect to become minimalist overnight. It’s not just a process, but it’s a...
392 Words 1 Page

Reasons Why Caffeine Is Dangerous For Teens

How dangerous can a simple beverage containing caffeine be and why would anyone worry about it? There are tons of different foods and drinks that aren’t the healthiest and are mostly sugary and fattening. People have to control what kinds of things consume, along with the amounts. Caffeinated drinks especially are a danger when it...
957 Words 2 Pages

The Issue Of Drug Addiction in America

Drugs and illegal substances are the cancer killing the United States as we know it. It has become more common to have a drug related encounter during the happening of our daily life, from an intoxicated individual on the streets, to school lockdowns and shootings related to illegal substances. The production of these substances, their...
2487 Words 5 Pages

Why Tobacco Causes Lung Cancer

When you hear the word tobacco many things will often come to mind. For me personally, I think about 2 things in general, the first being smoking and my aunt smoking. The reason this reminds of my aunt is because she had a stroke from smoking and it really affected everyone in my family on...
1488 Words 3 Pages

Underage Drinking As A Deviant Behavior

Deviance is at its core in social construction that is used to maintain social order (Henry, 2019). In my own words I believe that deviance is used to describes a behavior or action that violates a social norm, for example knowing that drinking is wrong but still do it. I believe that even though a...
754 Words 2 Pages

Smoking: Reasons, Impact On Health And Ways Of Cessation

Smoking is one of the most dangerous and negative phenomena that have spread in our communities, where there is no society without smokers among its members. It even entered almost every house. Scientists and researchers made great efforts to deal with it, and they wrote articles and researches, to reduce this scourge and indicate its...
1150 Words 3 Pages

Genogram: Alcoholism And Shakiel Gibbons Family History

The word ‘family’ can be interpreted in many ways and is nearly impossible to define. Some people limit the family to include only blood relatives, while others may have a broader definition that includes not only relatives but close friends as well. However, according to Sarkisian (n.d.), “a family is a group of two or...
2136 Words 5 Pages
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