Essays on Addiction

The Impact Of Marijuana

Marijuana is a drag with dried leaves with flower and seeds of plants which is green. There are many ways to use marijuana people use it in many way for example smoking as a cigarette or a pipe and some people mix with their food. Therefore, it is illegal in Australia but some state people...
680 Words 1 Page

Negative Effects Of Drinking Alcohol On Human Health

Many people say do not risk alcohol, because a happy occasion can turn into a nightmare. People strongly believe that drinking alcohol is very dangerous to their bodies and it is a disease that affects all aspects of life, and scientists have not found a clear reason for this. There are many causes, including genetics,...
1082 Words 2 Pages

Tobacco Caffeine And Illicit Drugs

A drug is a substance that affects the functioning of the body. There are three types of drugs that A drug is a substance that affects the functioning of the body. There are three types of drugs that have big impact on health. They are: Tobacco, Caffeine and Illicit Drugs. Some people think that Tobac...
1745 Words 4 Pages

Drugs Containing Pyrrole

Introduction : Heterocyclic chemistry is a branch of organic chemistry that studies the synthesis, properties and applications of heterocycles. Heterocycles have a wide range of applications in various fields. They are involved in the structures of bio-molecules such as: DNA, RNA, vitamins,…etc. They also affect the activity and pharmacological effect of many drugs. Structure and...
1187 Words 3 Pages

Opioid Epidemic In The USA

The image of an opiate addict has shifted from a lone junkie on the streets with a needle in their arm to a soccer mom, businessman or athlete. Thanks to a massive push of opioid medications by pharmaceutical companies, people from all walks of life have fallen victim to opioid addiction. Pharmaceutical companies pushed their...
810 Words 2 Pages

Reflection About Cannabis In Workplace

The consumption of Cannabis has been a topic of debate in the last few years, while many believe it should be a banned substance due to its intoxicating effects, others argue that consumption of cannabis has many benefits and should be allowed as long as responsibly consumed. This paper will discuss the laws regarding the...
1051 Words 2 Pages

The Causes Of Drug Addiction In Pre-adolescent Teens

In this paper, it is my intent to discover and find possible variables that would contribute to understand the enigmatic problem of substance abuse in children aged fourteen and under. It is apparent with every new generation that comes forth, that there are certain stressors and challenges that are unique with each revolving generation than...
2987 Words 7 Pages

Tobacco: Danger And Consequences

A drug is a substance that has effects on the functioning of the body. There are three sorts of drugs which have big impact on health: Tobacco, Caffeine and Illicit Drugs. Some people assume that Tobacco, Caffeine and Illicit Drugs should be limited because they can cause serious health problems. It is true that these...
1830 Words 4 Pages

Alcoholism In USA, Japan, And Germany

Every country has its own norms and political systems. These differences can sometimes lead to how it effects the country itself. Some major issues that the world is currently facing is alcoholism and addiction. Since each country is different, alcoholism is influenced based on the country’s advancement, economy, and culture. Furthermore, this can result in...
1051 Words 2 Pages

Drug Addiction As A Nature Or Nurture

Nature alludes to the entirety of the qualities and inherited elements that impact what our identity is, from our physical appearance to our character attributes. Nurture can be defined as all the environmental factors that sway who we are, including our youth encounters, how we were raised, our social connections, and our encompassing society. Some...
2451 Words 5 Pages
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