Essays on Addiction

Spryfield’s Drug Addiction Problem

Spryfield is a community which is located a few kilometers west from downtown Halifax. It has a lot to offer in terms of natural sceneries and business establishments located all in one neighborhood. It has a diverse population from all around the world living in this community. Unfortunately, just like any other communities it is...
2343 Words 5 Pages

The Link Between Alcoholism And Stress

Alcoholism is defined as, “an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency“. Some signs/symptoms of alcoholism, also known as alcohol use disorder, are nausea, vomiting, blackouts, general discontent, and a lack of restraint. Mentally, it can make you easily agitated, aggressive, fearful, and anxious....
1194 Words 3 Pages

Ibogaine In The Treatment Of Drug Addiction

Addiction treatment is a set of measures aimed at stopping the use of the drug and eliminating physical and mental dependence on the psychoactive substance or at reducing doses of the drug. This process is very difficult, not only for addicts themselves, but also for their relatives. Moreover, this applies both to the material component,...
1068 Words 2 Pages

Reducing Of Smokers In Wales

A national plan to reduce the number of smokers in Wales to 16% by 2020 for a safer, smoke-free country was launched today by the Welsh Government (19 September). Tobacco contributes most to the overall disease burden in Wales, causing about 5,450 deaths each year and costing the GSP an additional £ 302 m per...
1057 Words 2 Pages

Tobacco: The Issue Of Smoking In University

Tobacco is a plant originated from America which has spread around the world that almost killed more than 8 million people a year. Tobacco leaves contain high nicotine levels that will cause addiction to people. It can be made for cigarettes, gums or sniff tobacco which will slowly affect human brain, lead to lung cancer,...
704 Words 2 Pages

Dangers Of Smoking And Smoking Cessation Treatments

There is a new line of therapy that has been introduced at my trust as part of the smoking cessation program. Smoking cessation is the treatment used to assist patients to quit smoking and is one of the most cost-effective options in chronic disease management [Royal College of Nursing, 2020]. Smoking is one of the...
602 Words 1 Page
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