Essays on Africa

Analysis of Psychology in South Africa in Terms of Racism and Censorship

Chabani Manganyi and South African Psychology Psychology in South Africa has a long and controversial history, especially given the country’s history of segregation and racial discrimination during the Apartheid era. The following essay intends on outlining psychology in South Africa in terms of racism, censorship, the curriculum taught in higher-educational institutions and the demography of...

Environmental Problems In Sierra Leone And Ways To Solve Them

Intro So many people in the world today live under absolute evil, corrupt countries that create dreadful living conditions and quality of life. Although the country of Sierra Leone as a whole has suffered detrimental setbacks in the political economy system due to civil warfare, and also in several other areas as a country in...
1168 Words 3 Pages

Impact Of Trade Policy On Nigeria Economy

1.1 Background to the Study Trade has long been acknowledged as an authentic way through which the quest of nations for enhanced well-being of their citizens could be accomplished (Oluwaleye, 2014). Adam Smith suggested that division of labour and specialization, and the search for foreign trade is the real way to increase the fortune of...
2265 Words 5 Pages

Girls Not Brides: The Prevalence And Reproductive Outcomes Of Child Marriage In Sierra Leone

Abstract: This article analyzes the relationship between child marriage and reproductive outcomes by regressing going through a caesarean section on people of different age groups and other demographic characteristics. This was facilitated by data from the Multiply indicator cluster survey 2017. The linear regression model indicated that girls who marry early have a higher probability...

South Africa: Corruption And Economy

South Africa was formed in 1652 due to European colonization. The country has faced many challenges over the course of 300 years, dealing with racism and corruption. In 1910, an act passed giving the white minority total power, while almagating every other state, republic and colony into the Union of South Africa, however, they still...
1220 Words 3 Pages

Assessing The Effects Of Human Activities On Wildlife Within Rimoi National Reserve, Kenya

Abstract Humans are liable for causing most of the environmental changes that harm animals and plant species existence. They take up more space on earth for settlements and urbanization thus polluting habitats for wildlife. Illegal hunting and killing animals and bringing in exotic species into these habitats are too involved. These activities results to loss...

General Overview Of South Africa: Analytical Essay

South Africa is not everyone’s main concern nor top priority but this country can be interesting if you are willing to learn about what it has to offer. Personally, South Africa is not a country that I know a lot about, but I thought it would be beneficial to learn and study about the different...
2129 Words 5 Pages
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