Essays on Africa

South Africa: History And Current Situation

Initially, South Africa was colonized by the Netherlands after Jan van Riebeeck of the Dutch East India Company founded the Cape Colony at Table Bay in 1652. In 1795, however, seized Cape Colony which was later returned to the Dutch in 1803 but ultimately ended up back with in 1806. In 1910, the Union of...
1723 Words 4 Pages

Problem Of Desertification In Sudan

Sudan is located in north eastern Africa and experiences desertification first hand. Desertification is the spread of desert-like conditions in arid and semi-arid conditions. It is the result of natural climate and human influence. Desertification in Sudan has been growing at an extremely fast rate over the last three decades, leading to social exclusion and...
1587 Words 3 Pages

General Overview Of Nigeria

In this essay I will be talking about life in Nigeria.Nigeria is most famous for their delicious food and cultural style but they are also known for their resources such as their vast mineral resources. Nigeria is a country located in West Africa with a coast on the Gulf of Guinea .Nigeria capital is Abuja.Abuja...
3871 Words 9 Pages

General Overview Of Sudanese Culture

Arab countries are so close in distance yet so far in their cultural values. Even within the same country, cultural beliefs and habits may differ between North and South, East and West. If two people are born in the same country does not mean that they share the same religion, social behaviors, or cultural beliefs....
1412 Words 3 Pages

African History In Amistad: Film Analysis

Freedom is a symbol of immortality, a good term for countless people who suffered in Africa. The definition of freedom is very broad. Freedom can be that people can preserve traditional religious beliefs; freedom can be the right to choose a way of life; freedom can be to express their own opinions as they please;...

Kenya: Sovereignty, Legitimacy And Bureaucracy

My country of choice is Kenya. Kenya is a country in East Africa and is bonded to an Indian Ocean coastline. The country has a population of about 52.2 million and the country is ranked as 27th most populous country. The country capital is Nairobi city, the country is bordered by Ethiopia on the north,...
1542 Words 3 Pages

General Overview Of Rainfall Pattern In East Africa

Rainfall is a renewable resource, highly variable in space and time and subject to depletion or enhancement due to both natural and anthropogenic causes. Therefore, knowing the variations in the general rainfall pattern is valid to understand the climate change variations. Rainfall occupies an important position in the climatic studies of any region as it’s...
476 Words 1 Page
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