Essays on Agriculture

Organic Food: Pros And Cons

To maintain a thriving and healthy lifestyle, people tend to undergo certain steps one of which is to maintain a nutritious balanced diet providing adequate amounts of nutrients necessary for this lifestyle. One of the aspects people rely on for the fulfillment of this healthy diet is the consumption of organic food. Organic food is...
417 Words 1 Page

Advantages And Disadvantages To GMO Crops

When it comes to the field of nutrition, there are a few catchphrases that are used in order to capture people’s attention, one of them being “GMOs”. As stated by definition,’ Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is a life form, such as a plant, animal or bacteria, that has been genetically modified(GM) or genetically engineered(GE) by...
847 Words 2 Pages

Medical Benefits Of GMO And Reasons For Undermining GMO

Abstract There is a divisive debate on whether the use of technologically generated food is okay or not. Generating food on the basis of the technology is being viewed as aimed at increasing the cancer attack or a replacement of how the plants and animal were meant to be. The public has differed on the...
3094 Words 7 Pages

General Information About Rice As A Cereal Grain

Rice is a cereal grain that comes in different shapes, sizes, colours, and tastes. For approximately half the population on earth, people consider rice the staple food for their diet. Rice is mostly consumed in Asian countries however is also enjoyed everywhere around the world. Rice can be found growing in almost all continents however...
845 Words 2 Pages

Growing Rice In Australia: History And Advantages

The first person to plant rice in Australia was Jō Takasuka, he planted this rice in south eastern parts of Australia, and he was in parliament in japan. He rented about 35 acres of land from a farmer in Nyah on the Murray River. He planted the first parts of rice in 1906, then in...
614 Words 1 Page

Organic Food: Brief Characteristics

The world of agriculture is a convoluted segment in our food industry, many Americans are unaware of the processed food undergoes that is later to be shelved in grocery stores. In regards to organic foods it allows consumers to purchase food that has quality products. Organic food is sold mostly in every grocery store across...
1219 Words 3 Pages

Fact Versus Fiction Organic Health Benefits

The organic industry is booming worldwide. In 2014, it was reported that organic is an 80 billion dollar industry (Brantsæter, 2016). The sales of the organic industry are projected to continue to increase by 6% each year (UC Davis health, 2020). Main message While the organic movement began in Europe in the 1920s, the demand...
2504 Words 6 Pages

The Importance Of Food Safety

Food Safety Food safety is one of the global concerns of people on their everyday life. Food can become contaminated at any point, during production, processing, purchasing or preparation. Food safety is a leading responsibility of food business operators. Poor food handling might cause diseases and contamination by bacteria, pathogen and viruses when you did...
1224 Words 3 Pages

Organic Farming In Bhutan

Farming has been the foundation of the Bhutanese economy since the exceptionally former times and it is one of the old great practices that has made due till date. It has given vocation to practically a large portion of the populace is as yet the most noteworthy area to give business openings. Today, agriculture is...
1756 Words 4 Pages
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