Essays on Al Capone

Crime Destroyed The 1930s: Al Capone

“Capone’s crime gang raked in as much as $100 million annually” (Nix). Al Capone and his gang controlled Chicago which led them to bringing in 100 million dollars annually. Al Capone was the most notorious criminal of the 1930s. Al Capone led the charge of crime because of all of his connections to the government...
1363 Words 3 Pages

The Black Sox Scandal And Al Capone

The 1920’s was a time period full of growth, expanding boundaries, and the creation of corruption that affected many Americans. Because of the increasingly large amounts of leisure time that the typical American had during this time period, baseball rapidly became a new and pure release for Americans in the form of entertainment. This game...
1321 Words 3 Pages

Al Capone: A Lasting Impact On The World

The figure I chose, Al Capone, was one of the most famous criminals in America. In many ways he was the perfect symbol of the age, encapsulating everything Fitzgerald wanted to portray: the greed, the corruption, the climb to power and fancy appearance which hid the evil underneath. This makes him a perfect counterpart to...
830 Words 2 Pages
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