Essays on Americas

Role Of The Canadian Armed Forces In Real Conflicts In The 21st Century

The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are used not very often in real conflicts in the 21st century, with only a few hundred troops deployed. Back in the 20th century, it was quite the opposite, Canada fought many major wars. From the fields of Vimy to the shores of Juno and to Peacekeeping in Yugoslavia, Canadian...
795 Words 2 Pages

International Political Economy Of Colombia And Its Historical Events Like Trades, War, And Debt Crisis

In this paper, I will discuss the International political economy of Colombia and its historical events like trades, war, and debt crisis. The theme of this paper will be focused on International Finance like the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Funds, and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development as Colombia’s economy is relatively good compared...
1095 Words 2 Pages

Social Movements Across Latin America: Latin America Spring

Latin American today is amid ‘Primavera Latinoamericana’ also known as the Latin America Spring. A series of escalating civil disobedience movements are happening all across Latin America protesting against the inequality, austerity measures, authoritarian rule and corruption scandals which have been taking place in the continent for decades now. The protests have been developing across...

Events that Shaped Canada During 1770-1820

From catastrophe to triumphs, Canada has had many events from 1770 to 1820 that changed Canada as a whole, for good or for bad. Starting with the Quebec act which changed many parts of the political and social aspects of Canadian society. Next is the American War of Independence, which started from 1775 to 1783,...
884 Words 2 Pages

Mexico: Sustainable Development Goals

Mexico’s Profile Mexico has a population of 130 million and boasts of richness in cultural history and diversity as well as an abundance of natural resources. It is the 11th largest economy in the world and has strong macroeconomic institutions in addition to being open to private investment and trade. The authorities in Mexico have...
2240 Words 5 Pages

Women In Latin America

How might women’s role in Latin America have changed over the years? In this essay we’ll discuss the impact women have had in Latin America. I found it very interesting to see how women’s roles have changed over the course of time and I hope you will too. Although their contributions have been greatly overlooked...
1185 Words 3 Pages

Colombia Versus Mexico: Comparative Essay

In both Colombia and Mexico, various initiatives were put in place which backfired and damaged the quality of life of the citizens by the hand of the state. Specifically, urban renewal projects and privatization of public utilities were the main contributors in this decline. Urban renewal projects include landscaping, construction projects, renovations, and street improvement,...
1132 Words 2 Pages

Latin American Politics: Politics & Football in Argentina

There is no denying that football is the most fanatically followed sport in Argentina, like many Latin American neighbors. However, it is unique that in Argentina in that football and politics have remained inseparably linked throughout history and this uneasy partnership has at times threatened to detonate on the global stage. Argentines are some of...
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