Essays on Americas

Panama Canal As US Desire for Power

The Desire for Power Imperialism is the quest by a stronger country to dominate over a relatively weak country. This kind of dominance is often exhibited through economic, political, and cultural aspects of a country in the receiving end. Thus, the main aim of imperialism is to extend influence. The United States has been at...

Study of Euthanasia in Canada: Critical Research

Issue of Importance The topic of euthanasia has been controversial in every way imaginable. It has been at the centre of discussions for religious, medical, ethical, cultural, and political reasons. The typical argument that is passed around is the opinion individuals have on the merit of human life. Questions that are asked are, “Is it...

Impact Of Gender-Related Issues In Brazil

Introduction This paper discusses the impact of gender-related issues in Brazil. I choose the country of Brazil because this was a country that I wanted to learn more about. In previous classes I have taken, Brazil was not a country that was drawn much attention to. Therefore, I want to learn more about the development...

General Overview Of Colombia: Analytical Essay

Today, Colombia’s regime type is a unitary presidential constitutional republic, a nation in which the president has all the power and control over all political matters; he is the head of state and government. Colombia’s president today is Iván Duque Márquez. Colombia’s current government system, unitary presidential, was adopted in 1991. Before that, the country...
1382 Words 3 Pages

Influence Of Historical Events On The Modern State Of Mexico

Mexico has got a lot of history in its land. From the ancient Mayans constructing beautiful temples to their kings and gods to the massive revolution of independence from their conquerors in 1821, Mexico has had its fair share of culture and experience. Mexico, today has changed dramatically in culture and politics, however, there are...
888 Words 2 Pages

Economy of Canada: Start-up Culture

Canada Stands as one of the biggest economies in the world. However, fewer people talk about the Canadian Start-up space even though being a developed nation, Canada has had to create its technology, implement it, and put it into the market. Still, people have been focusing on the American silicon culture despite Canada having some...
1686 Words 4 Pages

Brazil Versus Argentina: Comparative Essay

So today we are going to talk about Brazil and Argentina. First, we will take a look at the history of the two countries. The history of Brazil is, Brazil was officially ‘discovered’ in 1500, when a fleet commanded by Portuguese diplomat Pedro Álvares Cabral, on its way to India. Duarte Pacheco Pereira, in his...
1056 Words 2 Pages

Fishing Industry In Costa Rica

The Republic of Costa Rica is based in Central America in between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It shares boarders with the neighbouring countries of Panama and Nicaragua. The land size of the country is 51,100 square kilometers that is mostly used for agriculture, specifically coffee and bananas. With today’s population growing to...

Politics Of Canada: Liberals and Conservatives

Canada is a democratic state where elections are held justly. Each vote carries equal weight. However, a vote is registered according to a riding. A party that obtains more votes overall does not necessarily mean it becomes the governing party of Canada. Also, Canada is a highly prolific decentralized federation. Each province has its legislation...
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