Essays on Ancient Greece

Sparta: Classes And Social Life

Sparta, located in the Peloponnesus peninsula, was a powerful city state that had it’s own unique traditions and rules. Since most of Spartan’s life was concentrated on war, their social life and class system also depended on survival. Leaders of Sparta were eager to raise fearless soldiers and were cruel to anyone who didn’t support...
1195 Words 3 Pages

Comparison Of Alexander The Great And Julius Caesar

Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar are two of the most powerful names in all of ancient history, leaders who both impacted their era and the future. “Alexander the Great… took the dynamic of glory, gain and conquest to unprecedented lengths” (Fox 222) and became “incomparably richer than anyone known in previous Greek history, [as]...

Why Alexander Was Called The Great

Why was Alexander the great such a great person? A lot of people might be asking the same question on how he got his name. I will be saying opinions on why he is so great and what he has done to get that title. Some of the things that made him such a great...
557 Words 1 Page

Analysis Of Troy In Homer’s Poem

“War will be every man’s concern, especially mine, of all those who live in Troy. (Iliad 6, lines 604-5)”. Hector thinks that above all others, he is the most important to Troy’s fate in war. I will demonstrate how we look at this without involving the authority of the gods, immortals and muses, by using...
1265 Words 3 Pages

Life And Fate Of Women Of Troy

Introduction Fate and Suffering (Downfall) Set in a world where the impact of war has the power to manipulate the idea of fate and future, Euripides’ “Women of Troy” illustrated the vulnerability of not only men, but women as well. By mirroring the historical context of the Peloponnesian war, Euripides uses Hecuba to encapsulate his...
975 Words 2 Pages

Alexander The Great’s Positive Effects

Alexander the Great’s conquests in the third century BC had a meaningful positive effect on his time by developing trade routes, making a standard language spoken, prompting a significant change in religion and establishing the framework for new political structure, the unification of the Mediterranean also increased the slave trade. Through the opening of these...
553 Words 1 Page

Greece - Features Of Spartan Society

What does the evidence reveal about the role and status of Spartan women in this period? “Spartan Reflections” by Paul Cartledge, describes the ancient life and culture of the famous society in Greece. In Spartan society, women were expected to bear children predominantly to join the military academy known as the agoge to become warriors....
1035 Words 2 Pages

Ancient Sparta: Military, Religion And Funerary Customs

Ancient Sparta is uniquely important in the ancient world, and is a civilisation worthy of study by historians. It will be seen through an investigation that the land-based military wonder of ancient Sparta and the funerary and religious customs were the most important aspect of their civilisation. The ancient Greek polis of Sparta revolved around...
1090 Words 2 Pages

Alexander The Great And Military Success

Introduction: Alexander III, son of Phillip II of Macedonia, known also as Alexander the Great due to his conquest of vast territories had an empire that spanned from modern-day Italy in the west to north-west India in the east and included modern-day Turkey, Iraq, Iran (also known as Persia), Afghanistan, Pakistan, and north-west India, among...
3461 Words 8 Pages

Battle Of Thermopylae From Tyrtaeus Poems

The testimony of ancient sources demonstrate that Sparta was a military oriented society. The famed Spartan poet, Tyrtaeus, who composed his many of verses during the Second Messenian War, highlights the importance of Spartan military in comparison to other virtues, writing: “I would not rate a man worth mention or account for skill in running...
553 Words 1 Page
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