Essays on Anna Quindlen

Write For Your Life: Textual Analysis

Anna Quindlen’s Write for Your Life begins with the movie ‘Freedom Writers’, in which teacher Erin Gruwell deals with the difficulties of teaching to a class of disconnected inner-city students by handing out “marbled composition books and the assignment to write their lives, ungraded, unjudged’. Ms. Quindlen then shows Gruwell’s ways to connect with these...
599 Words 1 Page

Cooperation In The Articles By Anna Quindlen And Eboo Patel

Cooperation is one of the most important elements in order to make a nation move forward faster. In the articles, “A Quilt of A Country” by Anna Quindlen, “Making Future Better, Together” by Eboo Patel and the famous speech, “Gettysburg Address” from Abraham Lincoln, all have one thing in common. It is that diverse people...
1340 Words 3 Pages

Anna Quindlen's The C Word In The Hallway: Rhetorical Analysis

In her vehement article, ‘The C Word in the Hallway”, Anna Quindlen addresses and exploits the issue of mental health in children and the ignorance that trails behind it. Quindlen utilizes pathos, ethos, and logos as well as multiple accounts of extended metaphors and repetition in order to urge parents, caregivers, and even teenagers to...
840 Words 2 Pages
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