Essays on Art Movement

Ukraine: Architecture, Fine Arts And Pop Culture

Ukraine’s culture is made up of a vast amount of material and spiritual values that have forged the country over the years. To understand Ukrainian culture you must first understand a little bit about the country as well as some of the history. Ukraine was not officially independent as a country again until 1991 when...
997 Words 2 Pages

Impressionism In Visual Art And Music: Origin, Features, Key Figures

Impressionism was an artistic movement which came into form during the late 1800’s. The movement began in Paris and was perhaps brought into being, but not embraced, by the painter Édouard Manet. ‘The controversy he succeeded in causing led Manet to become a figurehead for the avant-garde. He was admired by the other Impressionists but...
924 Words 2 Pages

Claude Debussy And Vincent Van Gogh As Major Figures Of Impressionism

The Impressionist era began in the eighteenth century in France and thus it is also referred to as “French Impressionnisme.” The style of impressionism became prominent between 1870-1925. Its style focuses on conveying the mood, atmosphere and emotion through the arts. Characteristics of impressionism in art include techniques of short brushstrokes and fluid lines that...
1499 Words 3 Pages

The Impact Of Futurism On Modern Art And Design

Futurism was an avant-garde art and social movement founded in Milan in 1909-1914, though it was a short movement but created a great impact on the world of art that is discerned in art work of the 21st century. It was an organized art movement that was originated by the Italian poet Fillipo Tommaso Marinetti...
657 Words 1 Page

Futurists' Criticism Of Traditional Ideas

In the twentieth century, Futurism was a modern art movement that was established by Marinetti. Marinetti published several manifestoes to spread about futuristic ideas and express his hatred for traditional ideas. A manifesto is “a public declaration of policy and aims”. In this essay, I will discuss the reasons why the futurists attack ideas they...
1648 Words 4 Pages

T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land As A Modernist Poem

The era of modernism is a response to societal shake-up, the belief of a fragmented life, the sense of isolation, and a time for artistic challenges. I believe that The Waste Land, by T.S. Eliot is a perfect manifestation of the tendencies of this era. The Waste Land explores the turmoil in society following World...
797 Words 2 Pages
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