Essays on Art

Greek Architecture: Classical Ideal And Spiritual Balance

The ancient Greeks are known for many things throughout history most famously is their theater and their architecture, and other things such as literature, and music. But all of these things have one underlaying theme in common with each other, these themes and famous feats of the ancient Greeks all embody their classical ideal that...
1551 Words 3 Pages

Gothic Architecture: Application Of Principles Of Gothic Architecture In A Modern Design For A Community Center

Gothic Architecture Belgium is known for architectural movements such as Rococo, Classicism, Art Nouveu, Gothic, Art Deco, and Modernism. For this project Gothic architecture will analysed and used in some way. The sub-question then being: “To what extent can principles of Gothic Architecture be used in a modern design for a community center?” Gothic architecture...
1655 Words 4 Pages

The Ideology Of Modernism In Architecture: Modernism Dressed In Glass

The Industrial Revolution radically changed human’s everyday life and society in general, by bringing low-quality mass-created products in homes, more individuals, industry in urban areas, and progressively social, political, and financial issues. It would appear that ‘more’ is the word that best portrays this certain state. Henceforth, architects of the time acknowledged the failure of...

Renaissance Architecture: Andrea Palladio Works

Antiquity is the quality of being ancient. The term is used to refer to the Egyptian, Greek, Roman times, and is often based on the theory of ideal forms. Renaissance architecture is European engineering between the mid-fifteenth and mid-seventeenth century. It exhibits a cognizant restoration and improvement of specific components of the established idea and...
989 Words 2 Pages

Portrayal Of Sin By Salvador Dali and Auguste Rodin In Their Work

Traditional Christian monotheistic religious beliefs assert that humanity has been challenged by temptation and has made foolish mistakes leading to divine punishment and judgment. Sin was primarily introduced by Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden disobeying G-ds commands and giving into the temptation of the forbidden fruit. Sins are often thought to be...
456 Words 1 Page

Development Of Gothic Architecture In Europe In Middle Ages

Gothic architecture is initially a style in Europe that qualities stature and fragile. It started in the mid-twelfth century until the late sixteenth century, specifically the style of brickwork structures which have walls separated by overlaid tracery. Progressively substantial structures were executed amid the twelfth to the thirteenth century. Its birthplaces are French, along these...

Disney Theatrical Production: Shows On Broadway

“Disney theatrical production depends for its success on its connection to the preexisting Disney film” – John Bell Downturn of animated film in the early 90s led Disney to gain audience by bringing film onto a Broadway stage with more music and stage magic. The Walt Disney Company officially began to become active in Times...
1905 Words 4 Pages

Ukraine: Architecture, Fine Arts And Pop Culture

Ukraine’s culture is made up of a vast amount of material and spiritual values that have forged the country over the years. To understand Ukrainian culture you must first understand a little bit about the country as well as some of the history. Ukraine was not officially independent as a country again until 1991 when...
997 Words 2 Pages

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