Essays on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Software Based On Real Life Example

Introduction According to the cognitive scientist Marvin Minsky, one of the field’s most famous practitioners, AI is “ the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by men”. AI software It is such software that is capable of intelligent behavior. If we want to create this type of intelligent software,...
874 Words 2 Pages

Artificial Intelligence: Threat To Humans And Negative Effects

Robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) are not only growing exponentially but also making their way into industries and disrupting the workplace. Many fear that the rise of AI will lead to robots replacing human workers, and view this progression as a threat that could possibly wipe out entire industries. The early stages of modern AI...
1171 Words 3 Pages

Artificial Intelligence: Types, Branches And Applications In Real World

Artificial intelligence is a part of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines and intelligent computer programs that can function as human beings. There are three types of learning in artificial intelligence which are Weak artificial intelligence, Strong artificial intelligence, and superintelligence. Weak intelligence is also called Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI). ANI is a...
918 Words 2 Pages

Artificial Intelligence And Its Impact On Supply Chain Management

What is supply chain management?! A supply chain management is a set-up of amenities and circulation options that is mainly concerned with procuring materials, transforming these materials into intermediate and finished products in addition to allocating these finished products to consumers. Services and manufacturing organizations is a part of the supply chain where many complications...
3328 Words 7 Pages

Applications and Pros and Cons of Artificial Intelligence

Abstract Artificial intelligence (AI), deep learning, system getting to know and neural networks constitute incredibly exciting and powerful machine studying-based strategies used to resolve many real-international problems. For a primer on gadget learning. While human-like deductive reasoning, inference, and decision-making by means of a laptop is nonetheless a long time away, there have been top...
2355 Words 5 Pages
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