Essays on Asia

Success Story Of Globalization In Singapore

This small island, which has moved from a forgotten island to an independent state, has absorbed the times and has become, in record time, one of the wealthiest nations in Asia and the world too … This is a beautiful Singapore whose economic career has become one of the most famous success stories of modern...
1178 Words 3 Pages

Foreign Direct Investment In India

India has the second largest population in the world, with over a whopping 1.1 billion people. It also is one of the most diverse countries in the world with religions from Hindus, Christians, Islamic and much more (Esha). The rule of law simply states that no one is above the law and they are to...
860 Words 2 Pages

Situation with Abortion in India: Analytical Essay

Abstract: The world today is full of very sensitive and controversial topics that are to be taken seriously and carefully resolved. A lot of them dictate our moral, ethical and religious choices. One of such is abortion which falls in the category of moral and social dilemma depending on the circumstances and background. Abortion has...
2587 Words 6 Pages

Ways To Improve Tourist Industry In Japan

As you may know, Japan is a very industrialized and rich country located in the Pacific ocean. Japan, despite being a highly developed and productive nation, is cheaper for the country to import resources than to extract and produce them, so that why Japan is also contributing to this problem. Our level of contamination is...
931 Words 2 Pages

Influence On Architecture In India

Introduction India, a country located in South Asia, is the seventh-largest country in terms of area and the second most populous country. (Wikipedia, n.d.) With its rich history, India also has grand architecture styles such as Mughal, Temple, Indo-Saracenic revival, Dravidian, Kalinga and many more which will be looked into throughout this essay (Go Smart...
2137 Words 5 Pages

Global Migration In The Philippines

Migration is a means to go from one position to another in order to exist and act. But nowadays, many people in the Philippines decide to migrate in another country to have a better life. Migration is deeply implanted within the social, economic, and cultural climate of the Philippines. As one of the major origin...
1470 Words 3 Pages

Religion Contribution To The Current Collapse Of The Pakistan State

Introduction Religion was one of the main factors that led to the current and historical political chaos and violence in Pakistan . . During the establishment of Pakistan, Muslims and Hindus were expected to live together as good neighbours (Jalal, 2014). On the contrary, thist led to the collapse of the Pakistani state as religious...
2040 Words 4 Pages
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