Essays on Authors

Neoclassicism in the 18th Century with Dryden, Pope, and Johnson

“A little Learning is a dangerous Thing.” (Pope); Alexander Pope’s works on poetry and writings were truly the basis for Neoclassical literature in the 18th century and aimed on bringing back the classical principles set by some of the earliest writers such as Virgil and Horace. Neoclassicism is a literary and creative movement that came...
2218 Words 5 Pages

Alexander Pope: Lady Mary’s Self Advancement

Throughout the 18th century Lady Mary Montagu played a significant part in the development of women’s agency. Lady Mary was the first woman to write significant literary letters of this time, Turkish Embassy Letters. In these collection of letters, she informs others of the customary, environmental and cultural aspects of various places she travels to...
1721 Words 4 Pages
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