Essays on Banking

Mobile Banking: Review Of Literature

Prof. (Dr.) Vikas Shrotriya, Pallavi Singh Yadav(2019)1 Analyzed – Recent technological changes going around the globe has invaded almost all the operational procedures of the financial & banking sector. The technological reforms have not only been initiated to save time, monetary resources, human resources but, have also increased the efficiency and effectiveness of the process....
2454 Words 5 Pages

The Role Of Foreign Banks in Mexico

The role that foreign banks play in Mexico has been increasingly important. They are now dominating more than 80% of the entire country’s banking assets. BBVA Bancomer, Banco Santander Mexico and HSBC Mexico are key foreign players involved in the banking industry in Mexico. (Alejandro, 2016) These three banks are all subsidiaries owned by their...
998 Words 2 Pages

Shadow Banking: Transaction-level Analyses Of Entrusted Loans

Shadow banking can be defined as a group of financial intermediaries facilitating the creation of credit across the global financial system where the activities are outside the traditional banking system. It has grown exponentially in the last decade in China. There are two types of entrusted loans which are affiliated and non-affiliated. The purpose of...
1360 Words 3 Pages

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