Essays on Behavior

Interdependence Of Law And Morality

Laws are ‘a command issued from sovereign power to an inferior and enforced by coercion.’ (John Austin) The sovereign power is Parliament or judges, and laws are mandatory. By contrast, morals are ‘a set of beliefs, principles and standards of behaviour’ (Phil Harris) which come mainly from religion, family, friends and education, but aren’t mandatory....
1218 Words 3 Pages

Social Media Influence On Brands Consciousness: Opinion Essay

Brand Consciousness Brand consciousness in our society is proliferating rapidly. “Are you brand conscious ?” If you ask about me, so, of course, I am not. Being brand conscious has become a trend now. It would not be wrong to say that a large number of people in society are following this immorality. People are...
924 Words 2 Pages

Morality And Happiness And The Ways They Connect To My Life

As I think of Morality and happiness, I think of the ways it connects to my life. First starting with the connection of morality. I really like Socrates view of morality in choosing reason, but I also do believe in Glaucon’s view of people using motives mostly. I feel like many people want to do...
504 Words 1 Page

Necessity Of Social Accountability In South Africa

Social Accountability Social accountability is primarily about two key stakeholders, that’s citizens and the government. As a concept it started in South-East Asia where it looked at a way to improve the relationship between citizens and the government. One of the approaches that was looked at by development workers in the south-east region was this...
3167 Words 7 Pages

Exploring The Phenomena Of Procrastination And Its Impact Toward English Department Students’ Academic Life

Abstract This research aims to (1) investigate the procrastination type that occurs to the English department students; (2) explain the cause of English department students’ procrastination within their academic activities; (3) describe how procrastination gives impact toward English department students’ academic life. This research applied a qualitative case study approach. The data of this research...
3645 Words 8 Pages

Shamanic Healing And Connections With The Spirit World

Nowadays, so many people are aware of the importance of mental health. For decades, people have been researching and developing in the field of psychology in order to treat those who are mentally sick. Back in the days, before psychology is being researched, Shamanism as a religion practices healing techniques in a spirituality perspective. Those...
601 Words 1 Page

Concept of Pester Power and Misleading Behavior: Analytical Essay

Introduction This study is about the impact of marketing on children. Deliberately, it will underline the ethical issues connected to marketing. The study outlines how misleading behavior can be detrimental to consumers. It highlights the codes of conduct in terms of “misleading marketing” and advertising to children. Additionally, it put light on “pester power” and...
934 Words 2 Pages

Aggression Through the Power of Bullying: Analytical Essay

Abstract The social psychology topic of aggression is heavily influenced by our knowledge structures that dictate our decision making and behaviour in all aspects of our lives. Aggression is strongly correlated to bullying as risk factors of bullying include aggression towards other people. Power, gender and culture are also strongly correlated to bullying as they...
2321 Words 5 Pages
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