Essays on Biology

Cell Cycle: The Role Of Nucleic Acids In The Nucleus And Cytoplasm

Nucleic acids are molecules made up of nucleotides that direct cellular activities such as cell division and protein synthesis. Each nucleotide is made up of a pentose sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a phosphate group. There are two types of nucleic acids: DNA and RNA. DNA carries the genetic blueprint of the cell and is...
1523 Words 3 Pages

The Importance Of Mammalian Cell Culture In Medical Research

Abstract: The value of cell culture in medical research can be seen through the diverse and innovative ways scientists have involved cell culture in their investigations. Cell Culture allows cells separated from animal tissues to be developed in a culture, which can be used as a device for research, such as cancer research, or for...
1222 Words 3 Pages

Prokaryotic Cell Structure Versus Eukaryotic Cell Structure: Cell Membrane

There are 2 simple styles of cells that conjure all living things, primitive Prokaryotes, (Fig.1) and the advanced Eukaryotes. (Fig.2). All bacteria and bacteria-like Archaea are prokaryotic, these single celled organisms that reproduce through binary fission, duplicating their genetic material. These cells lack certain features compared to the eukaryotic cell. Prokaryotes don’t have a true...
2454 Words 5 Pages

Cancer And The Role Of Cell Cycle Checkpoints

Cell division and cell proliferation as well as cell death are the two major physiological processes that are used to regulate tissue homeostasis in the adult organism. Genome integrity, cell proliferation and survival are controlled by a network of pathways that include cell cycle checkpoints, DNA repair, DNA recombination and programmed cell death. Tissue homeostasis...
1074 Words 2 Pages

Ways We Employ Microorganisms In Various Industries

There are various uses of microorganisms in industries that are beneficial to everyday life. Because we cannot usually see them around every day, it is easy to overlook them. I will list three microorganisms, explaining briefly how each is important to our everyday lives. Microorganisms in the biotech industry are important because they produce citric...
1442 Words 3 Pages

Stem Cell Research: Benefits, Ethical And Moral Issues

Stem Cell Research. What Is It? They are unspecialized cells that are able to divide and produce duplicates of themselves and have the capability to modify, in order to produce a variety of cell types on our body. We will find these cells in the embryo, cord blood, the fetus or in the adult cells....
1378 Words 3 Pages

Regeneration Of Bone Through The Use Of Adult Mesenchymal Stem Cells

Introduction Bone degeneration occurs naturally with age, it has been estimated that 64-67% of people over the age of 70 have abnormal bone mass and with osteoarthritis currently being the most common form of arthritis (affecting approximately a third of people over the age of 45) treatment for bone regeneration is at an all-time high...
1189 Words 3 Pages

Stem Cell Research: Importance And Necessity

Stewart Sell, a senior scientist at Ordway Cancer Research Institute, said, “In the beginning, there is the stem cell; it is the origin of an organism’s life. It is a single cell that can give rise to progeny that differentiates into any of the specialized cells of embryonic or adult tissues.” This is how all...
2770 Words 6 Pages

Enzyme: Definition, Components And Enzyme Catalysts

I. Enzyme: In living cells, large numbers of chemical reactions lead to growth, reproduction and movement. As a result of these chemical reactions, simple compounds are transformed into a large number of vital compounds necessary for the cell to function, to build the cell, to provide it with the energy needed to carry out its...
1985 Words 4 Pages

Stem Cell Treatment Of Cardiac Diseases

Abstract Cardiovascular diseases cause worldwide death in mainly middle-income and low-income countries. There is a natural ability of different organisms in which the heart muscle shows natural regeneration in many ways. But in severe condition, the natural mechanism cannot able to regenerate the heart muscles (cardiomyocytes) so in severe conditions, the accurate therapy of these...
1840 Words 4 Pages
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