Essays on Biology

In Vitro Plant Regeneration Of Mosambi By Direct Organogenesis

Abstract Exogenous genes can be introduced in plants by genetic transformation techniques. However, an efficient tissue culture system with high rates of plant recovery is necessary for gene introduction. This work aimed to define organogenesis and plant regeneration protocol for sweet orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck cv Mosambi) which can be used in plant transformation. Testa...
3304 Words 7 Pages

Connection Between Abortions And Stem Cell Research

1. Introduction In the last few years to reduce abortions serious efforts are being made by preparing new legislation by the government and which made abortion to be extended or included in “Personhood” legislation, which means Human life starts with fertilization of embryo. On a national level, there are different proposals advanced in different states,...
2414 Words 5 Pages

Protein: The Importance For Our Body

Protein plays an essential part in ensuring our body can grow, maintain/repair cells, metabolism, digestion, transport of nutrients/oxygen in the blood and produces antibodies used to fight against infections. Proteins also allows us to build and produce new cells, maintain tissue and synthesize new proteins which enable us to complete basic activities. The best sources...
454 Words 1 Page

Introduction To Fresh Water Microbiology

1. Introduction It is now generally accepted that life originated between 3.5 and 4 billion years ago in the aquatic environment, initially as self-replicating molecules. The subsequent evolution of prokaryotes, followed by eukaryotes, led to the existence of microorganisms which are highly adapted to aquatic systems. Life in the aquatic environment (freshwater and marine) has...
1711 Words 4 Pages

The Effect Of Salt Concentration On Enzyme Activity

Abstract: Will lower salt concentration prove to be optimal for the enzyme Turnip Peroxidase, resulting in darker shades of brown and quicker reaction rates? The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect that salt concentration has on the enzymatic activity of Turnip Peroxidase [5]. The procedure was carried out by first preparing a...
1241 Words 3 Pages

Stem Cell: Definitions, Treatment And Evidence

Introduction Definition of stem cells Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can be found in the human anatomy and are capable to differentiate into many various forms of different cells which serve various functions in different sections of the human anatomy. It is not necessary that the stem cell must be differentiated into another cell...
2940 Words 6 Pages

Cellular Respiration: Laboratory Work

Cellular Respiration CO2 Lab 1 Introduction Do we breathe out more oxygen when we relax or when we are working out? I believe we breathe out more oxygen when we are working out than when we are relaxed. When we breathe out oxygen we breathe out carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide comes from the food...
403 Words 1 Page
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