Essays on Biology

Introduction To Cell Biology: Prokaryotes And Eukaryotes

There are 2 basic kinds of cells that make up all living things, primitive Prokaryotes, (Fig.1) and advanced Eukaryotes. (Fig.2). All bacteria and bacteria-like Archaea are prokaryotic, these are single-celled organisms that reproduce through binary fission, duplicating their genetic material. These cells lack certain features compared to the eukaryotic cell. Prokaryotes don’t have a real...
2427 Words 5 Pages

Natural Selection: Variation, Adaptation And Speciation

In 1859 Charles Darwin discovered the theory known today as Natural Selection. His discovery explained how overtime species have had to change and adapt in order to better suit their living environments and stay alive whilst having a high reproduction rate. In some cases, the adaptation of species has been known to create new living...
766 Words 2 Pages

Cell: The Importance Of Biological Membranes

The cell membrane is known to be the cell gate and door. It is an important biological structure that plays an important role in different biological processes such as protection, filtration, transport. Biological membranes are said to be a lipid bilayer(due t the presence of two layers of lipids with hydrophobic and hydrophilic tails ),...
916 Words 2 Pages

The Significance Of Allium Root Tips When Investigating Mitosis

Mitosis is a period of cell division in the cell cycle, which takes place when new cells are needed for growth or to replace damaged tissue.1 This process of mitosis consists of 4 stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. These individual stages of mitosis can be observed by looking at allium root tips under a...
721 Words 2 Pages
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