Essays on Book

Story Of An Hour: The Role Of Character Development

The author Kate Chopin fights a battle to bring her readers thoughts provoking literature in a world where one cannot conflict with beliefs in the traditional society. In her book, The Story of an Hour Kate uses irony, character development, and plot control to bring her readers into a world of emotions that society does...
618 Words 1 Page

Beloved: Symbols Analysis

Beloved, Toni Morrison’s novel, is considered a most representative work. The novel tells the story of a runaway slave Sethe who kills her daughter in order to get her out of slavery. Beloved is the name that Sethe gave her dead daughter. The most striking artistic feature of this novel is that the author uses...
1098 Words 2 Pages

The Stranger: Meursault Analysis

The Stranger by Albert Camus is a novel about Meursault, a character who’s different and even threatening views on life take him to pay the highest price a person can pay: his life. The novel embodies philosophies of existentialism and absurdism. Existentialist and absurdist philosophies entail principles regarding that one’s identity is not based on...
695 Words 2 Pages

The Crucible: Diversity Of Women Characters

The Crucible is a play about the witch trials of Salem in 1692. In these trials, many women and some men were falsely accused and were either put in jail or hanged for not confessing to witchcraft. These accusations started when Abigail and many other teens got caught by Reverend Parris dancing in the woods...
836 Words 2 Pages

Sexism And Homophobia In Catcher In The Rye

The infamous book The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D Salinger in 1951. During the book, Holden expresses his feelings between the equality of men and women. Explaining how men are superior to men. Seeing them just for their curves and good looks, more-so as an object rather than a person. Not having really...
478 Words 1 Page

The Great Gatsby: Old Money, New Money And No Money

The book The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald is about a man named James Gatsby and his way of pursuing the American dream in the 1920s. Taking place in the villages of east and west egg, Narrated by Nick Caraway a young man who finds himself in a situation with an American man named...
841 Words 2 Pages

Billy Budd: Chapter Analysis To Evaluate The Sense Of A Novel

Chapter 1-2 While reading this chapter I noticed Melville’s technique when it comes to his writing style. His sentences are long, complex, and tough. In comparison, he’s nearly like Shakespeare within the sense that he has been influenced by him. This is shown in the way he’s cramming the sentences to its maximum capacity. I...
1149 Words 3 Pages

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