Essays on Caravaggio

Caravaggio’s Influence On Artists

Caravaggio’s influence in paintings is seen in the artworks of Gerrit van Honthorst, George de la Tour, and le Nain Brothers. He is a northern Italian painter who showed his observation of nature as well as the use of contrast in colors. This is due to the use of tenebrism, which is the use of...
1248 Words 3 Pages

Caravaggio: Seeing Through A Different Lens

For centuries, artists have taken advantage of the audiences’ perspective in order to communicate, and show, what they believe is important. Perspective is essentially how an individual views the world. A specific point of view is shaped by their personalities, their life experiences, and even their values. So how does art relate to this? Playing...
1094 Words 2 Pages

My Perception Of Caravaggio’s Painting Medusa

Michelangelo Caravaggio’s painting Medusa caught my attention when I was researching for this assignment. The exact date of when the Medusa was painted is unclear but it is presumably 1597 or 1598 (The Art History). It was so different from Caravaggio’s other paintings but it still had that Caravaggio effect to it. The thing that...
757 Words 2 Pages
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