Essays on Celebrations & Rituals

Festival: The Use Of Large Tents For Outdoor Events

The original impetus for these large temporary structures was the development of ‘festival culture’ in the 1950s and 60s, cumulating in the arrival of events such as Glastonbury during the flower power period in the 70’s. In the 80’s, music festivals also began to use tents to provide weather protection for raves. It then evolved...
1080 Words 2 Pages

Visiting Texas Renaissance Festival

I attended the Texas Renaissance Festival located on a large plot of land in Todd Mission, Texas. Since it is set during the Medieval era, you could sum up the culture as the dark ages where technology, education, medicines, and much more were lost after the fall and disappearance of massive empires. You’re essentially taking...
1336 Words 3 Pages

Balhats (Potlatch) Ceremony As A Huge Festive Ceremony

Introduction Balhats (Potlatch) ceremony is a huge festive ceremony held based on any particular reason includes celebrating sections like dancing, singing and fasting in the name of their birthright and securing the ancestral tradition and values. This essay will explain the Balhats ceremony and its journey in the Nadleh Whut’en first nation territory. Main body...
875 Words 2 Pages

Rite Of Passage In Hamar Tribe

Out of all the tribes, the tribe that stood out most was the Hamar tribe. The Hamar Tribe is a group of people who originated from the Omo Valley, which extends to Lake Chew Bahir in Southwest Ethiopia. They speak the Hamar-Banna language. The Hamar people are a mixture of Caucasian and Negroid. They are...
578 Words 1 Page

Festival In Broghil Valley National Park

Boroghil Valley National Park or Boroghil Pass is a national park and valley situated in the most north of Upper Chitral District, of Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Pakistan. It is situated near to Pak-Afghan border close to the Tajikistan border which is also familiar with Wa -Khan Corridor. The Boroghil Valley is situated 250km away from...
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Ceremony Of Nepalese Wedding

Introduction Nepal is a country situated in between China and India. The people of Nepal have three major religions they follow, namely: Hinduism, Buddhism and Catholicism but 80% of the population take Hinduism as their religion and follow Hindu culture. Hindu culture has its own way of celebrating a wedding. The wedding happens for four...
1741 Words 4 Pages

Rite Of Passage: Traditions Of Funerals In Maori Culture

Funerals are highly ritualized services that observe the passage of the deceased and Maori identity is said to be closely intertwined with funeral rituals and tangihanga mourning ceremonies (P. Sinclair 1990). When thinking of Western funeral rituals, the ideal way to mourn a loved one would be having the deceased in the casket within the...
1523 Words 3 Pages

The Indigenous Arts Festival In The City Of Toronto

The Indigenous Arts Festival is presented by the City of Toronto, by the Friends of Fort York and Mississauga, the Indigenous Arts Festival will celebrate the best in indigenous culture. This will energized me by music, dance, food film, and knowledge-sharing. This festival is an opportunity to celebrate traditional and Indigenous culture, from music and...
1682 Words 4 Pages

The Pasola And Nyale Tradition

The Pasola and Nyale Tradition, NTT – Between Sea Worms & Javelin Throwing The Pasola tradition is a tradition carried out by the Sumba tribe on Sumba Island, precisely in West Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara. A game of dexterity with each other throwing a javelin made of wood. Uniquely this game is carried out between...
637 Words 1 Page
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