Essays on Christianity

Religion and Concept of Peace: Christianity Versus Judaism

Peace is the ideal state of tranquility, barren of dispute. Eirene, meaning Peace in Christianity, alludes to a sense of wellbeing and serenity. Christianity establishes that peace is made possible through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Christian PrincipalTeachings of Jesus is the Prince of Peace, Agape, the Divinepeace of God and...
2412 Words 5 Pages

Seven Deadly Sins: The Inheritance Of Evil Within Men

Introduction The notion of the inheritance of evil has been prevalent since the onset of the Second World War, where homicide, rape and racism, captured the interest of moral, political and legal philosophers. As a complex and broad term, many religions shed light on this concept from differing angles. “The way in which we understand...
1705 Words 4 Pages

Abortion: Legalization and Catholic Churches View

Introduction Society is made up of people of all different beliefs, religions, nationalities, cultures and backgrounds. Society at both it’s best and worst reflects on the fact that millions of humans have the same three fundamental needs: control, connection and consistency, with that said everyone has a different point of view on particular topics. The...
1732 Words 4 Pages

The Influence Of St Augustine’s Legacy On People

St Augustine of Hippo The cultivation of St Augustine’s deepening of faith begun during a period of self-understanding along with his peculiar perceptions towards life. These events to which St Augustine adopted new philosophes of his religious beliefs led to his daring faith restructure, which ultimately changed his outlook regarding his beliefs and life as...
872 Words 2 Pages

Origins Of Church In Australia (Foundations): Holy Spirit

Protestantism started in the early 16th century due to a large number of people who rejected the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. It was started by Martin Luther, a German Monk who did not agree with the Catholic Church. The permanent presence of Protestantism in Australia began with the arrival of the First...
1182 Words 3 Pages

Platonic And Augustinian Answer To The Question Of Evil And God

Midterm essay Explain the Platonic and Augustinian answer to the question of evil and God. Make sure to account for the method through which these two paradigms attempt to address both questions. Provide your own assessment of their methods; are they valid or invalid and why or why not? God and evil, a hot debate...
2474 Words 5 Pages

Consumerism Versus Christian Worldview: Comparative Essay

Introduction: Today I will be going over the historical framework, contemporary issues, and the Christian worldview for consumerism. Consumerism drives the world today, but do we really know how consumerism came to be in the first place? Where did consumerism come from, what sort of issues did it bring with it, and how does the...
1553 Words 3 Pages

Gifts Of The Holy Spirit: Varieties And Purpose Of Gifts

Introduction This paper focuses on the gifts of the Holy Spirit that will explore the different manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is important to understand that the ultimate sources of the gifts are same. The gifts are different in purpose and delivery. The apostle Paul writes, “There are different kinds of...
2719 Words 6 Pages
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