Essays on City

City Development: Mitigation and Waste Minimization

The purpose of the report is to learn about how to reduce the solid waste in city. Information came from the speaker who presented at the Nelson City Council (NCC) and spoke about mitigation and waste minimisation. There are two main points of interest: recycling for domestic household and enviro-schools. NCC is responsible for the...
585 Words 1 Page

General Overview Of New York: Analytical Essay

The province of New York is one of the 13 first settlements of the United States. The initial 13 settlements were partitioned into 3 zones, including New England Colonies, Central Colonies, and Southern Colonies. As mentioned in, the New York province is one of the four focal settlements, for example, the Pennsylvania state, the...
778 Words 2 Pages

Paris: Historical Events, Religion And Culture

Historical events, religions and languages- Paris is a city that wears its history on its sleeve. To its massive landmarks and amazing culture through the years, its history changed it to what we all know today. Paris got its name hundreds of years ago when a tribe that lived where Paris is today where defeated...
796 Words 2 Pages

General Overview Of Karachi In Pakistan

Introduction Karachi is located on the coastline of Sindy province in Southern Pakistan, along a natural harbour on the Arabian Sea. This megacity is made up of 15,741,406 people throughout its 18 towns. Due to its population growth 40% of residents rely on public transport, but with 45 residents competing for one bus seat, travel...
1094 Words 2 Pages

The Relationship Between Athens And Other Greek States From 479 - 450 BC

Question: Discuss the relationship between Athens and other Greek states from 479 – 450 BC During the period of 479-450 BC, Athens’ relationship with her allies transformed dramatically as it emerged to become the supreme leader of an empire. The establishment of the Delian League was arguably the key factor in signifying the beginning of...
1339 Words 3 Pages

Smart City As A Novel Solution To Achieve Sustainable Urbanization

Smart Cities: Some Examples London: London has been involved in a smart and sustainable process for several years. It had automated congestion pricing; city levies a surcharge on single-occupancy vehicles. The city has also developed a system to encourage walking: Pedestrians are accompanied throughout their journey through interactive terminals. Also, Mayor gets data analysis of...
1291 Words 3 Pages

Athens: Main Reasons To Live There

Athens is a city with a lot of great features which were the main reasons why people choose to live there. Those main features of a settlement is having a huge flat area, oceans, rivers, mild climate, steep mountains and fertile soil. Each of these features has its on reason why it made Athens a...
618 Words 1 Page
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