Essays on College

Legal And Ethical Issues In College Admission

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of legal is “…conforming to or permitted by law or established rules.” The definition of ethical is “…conforming to acceptable standards of conduct” (Ethical. (n.d.). “Ethical standards are based on the human principles of right and wrong. The differences between them are these: Legal standards are based on...
1118 Words 2 Pages

College Admissions Scandal: Crisis Response Analysis

The Crisis and its Background The college admissions bribery scandal surfaced in 2019 over an unethical endeavor to influence decisions for the admission of undergraduate students at many prestigious universities in the United States. The investigation and charges related to the incident were made public on March 12, 2019, by United States federal prosecutors. At...
1426 Words 3 Pages
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