Essays on Computer

Computer Software: Types And Ways Of Acquiring

1.1 Software What Is Software? A collection of instructions or programs that allows computers to perform tasks and facilitate the interaction of user, computer software with the computer hardware. i.e. “MICROSOFT SUITE OF PRODUCTS” it primarily directs all the peripheral devices on the complete computer system, it instructs the computer how to perform a task...
721 Words 2 Pages

Computer Project: A Brief Introduction To Computer

Introduction A Brief introduction to computer: A computer is a machine that is used for performing many functions, such as: Ability to store information (video, picture, data, document, etc…..). Processing data and files. Type documents, write reports and prepare seminars and presentations. Playing games. Creating apps, websites, and coding. A computer is made up of...
2044 Words 4 Pages

Computer: Characteristics Of Virus & Antivirus

Computer Virus & Antivirus Every individual undoubtedly heard a lot regarding computer viruses when they own their computers. Basically ‘virus’ name represents a biological origin. It is an organism that infects its host and starts damaging the system. A computer virus is the same as a biological virus or human virus which infects humans. Human...
952 Words 2 Pages

Computer: Applications In Different Spheres

Uses of a Computer: Medical Field Emergency clinics and centers use PCs to store tolerant records, booking specialists, attendants and other workforce, stock and acquisition of medications, clinical research and clinical conclusion. Uses of PC-based gear or utilization of data innovation has helped specialists to analyze infections. Plainly the utilization of PCs in the clinical...
845 Words 2 Pages

Computer: The Problem Of E-Waste

Introduction The Computer is a device that has evolved and changed in many ways. The Kenbak-1, released in early 1971, is the world’s first personal computer. (‘History of personal computers’, 2020). The first laptop or portable computer. The computer weighed 55-pounds and had a five-inch CRT display, tape drive, 1.9 MHz PALM processor, and 64...
1136 Words 2 Pages

Computer: The Development Of CPU And Its Effect

Abstract The development of CPU and its effect& How does it affect our lives? Input &output devices vary from time to time. But generally, they go in the same way, how to make the computer easier to use… Storage measurements & new storage devices…How fast it was? … How fast it is? Introduction: By the...
1617 Words 4 Pages

computer Graphics: Computer Rendering Algorithms

Abstract One concern of the computer graphics community has been the efficiency of rendering algorithms. Buyers faced with a variety of hardware graphics accelerators would like to know the average display rate of each machine. In such fields as ray tracing, researchers continue to explore which is the fastest way to find the closest intersection...
1299 Words 3 Pages

Computer Science: My Personal Experience Of Study

Computer Science is an exponentially growing field that has an abundance of job possibilities. Through the digital age constantly evolving, Computer Science is a prominent influence on society. Through observing the technological advancement in the past few years and seeing how computers have ultimately diversified the world, I am keen to be involved with the...
558 Words 1 Page
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