Essays on Computer Science

Cybersecurity As a Responsibility of Everyone: Analytical Essay

Digitalisation has now impressed virtually all areas of our lives, such as public administration, service sector, manufacturing industry, etc. Smart homes, mobile working, e-health and developments like driverless cars are further examples of advancing digitalisation, which presents many opportunities, as well as a number of threats. Cyber security is a major factor in the success...

Home Automation Using IOT: A Literature Review

One of the most recent catchwords within the world of technology is internet of Things. In Future internet of things can remodel the important world objects into intelligent virtual objects. The IoT direct to amalgamate everything in our world underneath a standard infrastructure. Current study on IoT that addresses ideas through totally different systematic review...

Internet Of Things (IoT): Garbage Monitoring

Abstract— In the 21st century, the amount of mammoth waste, including household waste is increasing, which poses a threat not only to humanity, but also to the global environment. it’s miles the need of time to are looking for an organized and well-structured. Owing to this, global is moving in the direction of smart systems...

Redesign Of Website “Wagamama”: Assignment Report

Introduction Having a website and, in general, an online presence strategy allows you to market a business online. There is a variety of marketing strategies that can be used to advertise and market a business. A website is vital because it helps establish credibility as a business. Therefore, this assignment will focus on research problems...
1258 Words 3 Pages

Cyber Security: Essence And Benefits For Organization

Introduction: Cyber Security means IT (Information technology) security, where data will be protected. This plays a vital role in all organizations either small, medium or large organizations. It is a practice of protecting data, hardware & software …etc. Cyber attackers aim to change or destroy the data of an organization. where that will be a...
527 Words 1 Page

Cyber Security: Issues Relating To Cyber Crime

Cyber Security “It’s only when you go wrong that machines remind you how strong they are”- Clive James Introduction Internet as the global network was introduced to make the lives easier and faster. But who knew that would come with whole lot of faults. One such defect of this was its overuse and crime that...

The Relevance Of Social Responsibility To Graphic Design Discipline

The paper will investigate the subject of identifying the two variables; which are culture and graphic design; it will review different aspects of culture and see if society has been influenced by graphic design. It will also touch briefly on the dependency of graphic design on our community. And will explore in-depth the history of...
1911 Words 4 Pages

My Self-Evaluation Of The Website

Evaluation of the website As I have finished my website and testing now I am going to evaluate my website and see if it has met the client requirements. My client wanted specific things to be on the website they’ve wanted. They wanted things like multimedia, outlines of different games and genres, what platform it...
693 Words 2 Pages
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