Concert Review: The Concert Performance Entitled Zoltan Kalman And Gary Forbes At The McMater University

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At the McMater University, there was the music concert performed at the concert hall on Tuesday, dated February 26th 2019. In this case, the concert performance was entitled Zoltan Kalman and Gary Forbes. The time in which the performance was undertaken was at 12:20 pm. The concert was attended by many students within the university premises since it was oversighted by the professionals in the field and also the experienced singers presented various musical performances using different musical instruments. They were given the chances to perform at intervals. In this regard, the hall was filled to capacity and most of the music studies students were seen to attend since it was a mark of the practical performance of the pieces they had come across with in class. Therefore, therefore, u taws a great opportunity to attend the performances in the concert hall. There was timely attendance of the concert by the audiences who were eager to watch the happenings in the hall. Generally, the musical instruments employed in the performances were primarily the piano and the clarinet. Thus, the following musical performance were played in the concert, with the respective titles of the musical peices as well as the musicians taking part in them. They are presented in their respective order of performed on the stage, along with the time frame spent by the musicians.

First, there was the performance staged by Johannes Brahms. It was entitled No. 1 F minor for Clarinet and Piano Op. 120. However, the titles of the respective musical pieces played were the Alegro Appassionato, Andante un poco Adagio, Allegretto Grazioso, and the Vicace. In this regard, it was the first performance which thus acted as the curtain raiser for the event. It did not pull down the hopes of the attendees since it was well composed. Since it was the starting pieces, the audience were seen being attentive as they joyed the lyrics of the music being played alongside the musical instrumentation accompaniments. The musician was seen to have employed various styles that could have attracted the attentiveness of the audiences, through the well composed musical pieces and the expert playing of the musical instrumentations which included the piano and the clarinet. The performer also managed to keep an excellent balance between the musical tones produced by the piano as well as the clarinet being used in the long run.

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Secondly, there was the musical performance in the noon concert by the musician referred to as Aaron Copland. It was mainly a clarinet concerto. In this regard, the attention of the audiences was captured byte skillful balance of the music with the flow and accompaniments of the clarinet at hand. It lasted a region of thirty-five minutes, where the third musician was invited to give his presentation.

The third and the final musician to perform on the stage was referred to as Alamiro Giampieri. It was a concert Fantasia on the Motives from G. Verdi’s ‘’Rigoletto.’’ In this regard, the artists manly employed the use the piano during the performance. Again, the attention of the audiences was attracted by the final piece which employed only the piano as the musical instrument as opposed to the previous performances which either employed both the clarinet and the piano or the clarinet alone. The artist, being at the stage which lasted for about forty-four minutes, played perfectly the musical instrumentation which accompanied as well-composed musical piece.

In this regard, the there musical performances which characterized the concert on the day of Tuesday were quite captivating. The skillful balance between the musical instrumentation, the music being played, as well as the requirements of the audiences made the whole concert a success. The artists, in this case, managed to capture and maintain the respective attentions of the audiences throughout the concert, hence bringing about a semblance of the well-composed and managed concert.

Cumulatively, the concert was a great success. I was impressed by the way in which the artists stroke a well thought about and composed balances between the well-composed music as well as the skillfully played musical instrumentation. Also, I was able to learn some art in the musical instrumentation, regarding the way the audiences should be handled throughout the event for the prosperity to be reaped in the long run.


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