Essays on Conflict

Conflict Resolution Studies

What do we mean by conflict resolution? The term has gained currency in the last 20 years, as the end of the Cold War and the eruption of civil wars in eastern and southern Europe, and increased attention to such conflicts in Africa stimulated scholars and analysts to explain the changing nature of war and...
637 Words 1 Page

Conflict Management System

Limitations of the Study This research will be conducted on examining the causes of conflicts and their resolution in the construction industry with a specific focus on construction companies in Bolgatanga. In such research, there are bound to be several constraints to be counted. First, there are several construction firms in the country hence the...
665 Words 1 Page

Something That Crosses Our Path On A Daily Basis

Conflict Resolution Paper Conflict is inevitable and it is something that crosses our path on a daily basis. Most of the time when conflict arises, most of the time it is due to a lack of communication, or unwillingness to understand the ultimate issue at hand. No matter where we are, in all different aspects...
2089 Words 5 Pages

Conflict Analysis And Conflict Reflection

The purpose of this paper is to highlight both conflict analysis and conflict reflection. The essay describes among other things the scene of the conflict, the participants, location and its impact on the conflict, the bone of contention, the presence and distinction between surface-level problem and the underlying problem as well as a closer look...
989 Words 2 Pages

Different Ways To Deal With The Conflict Situation

In this essay, I will be drawing on my reflections and by using examples from my learning journal, I will reflect and investigate these examples in relation to relevant theories and models of conflict. I will be discussing life experiences that have changed me as an individual and how I deal with forms of conflict....
2989 Words 7 Pages

Communication And Conflict

Communication and conflict: “Communication can be defined as the exchange of an information, thought and emotion between individuals or groups. It requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient.” Effective communication is huge for managers in the associations to play out the essential elements of the executives. Any business includes two kinds of communication:...
827 Words 2 Pages

Work-Family Conflict

Soomro, Breitenecker & Shah (2018) Work-life balance contributes to a healthy, happy, and successful life. It has always remained a major concern to individuals who desire a good quality of work-life balance and ultimately a good quality of life. The danger of work-life imbalance was envisaged by field experts some 25 years ago in discussions...
502 Words 1 Page

Workplace Conflict And Procedures For Resolving Conflict

Workplace Conflict According to Hitt, Miller & Colella (2015), conflict can be functional or dysfunctional. The nature of conflict begins when one person thinks or feels contradicted by another, one has a different belief or point of view. When talking about two different types of conflicts, one must understand that in order to have dysfunctional...
908 Words 2 Pages

Potential Conflict between Parliamentary Sovereignty and One of the Principles Adopted by the European Court of Human Rights

This statement raises the issue of the potential conflict between Parliamentary Sovereignty in United Kingdom (UK) and one of the principles adopted by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to interpret the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the ‘living instrument’ approach. Parliamentary Sovereignty is one of the fundamental principles of Constitution. Being the...
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