Essays on Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance And Ethics

“A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon in this world”. Ethics is about the character which is the sum of qualities that defines a person. These virtues inform ethical decision-making because they provide a foundation to make good judgments when faced with an ethical dilemma. We need to be ethical because it defines who we are individually and as a society....
1681 Words 4 Pages

Transformational Leadership Versus Charismatic Leadership

Introduction No one can deny that effective leadership is essential in every organization, especially in the military. Every military commander is concerned with how a single person can lead a hundred people. Yukl (1999) states that in the 1970s, behavioral theories of efficiency in leadership were prominent, such as normative decision theory (1973), path-goal theory...
1401 Words 3 Pages

International Corporate Governance

International Corporate Governance  Introduction One of the greatest issues about the management of MNC has to perform with corporate governance. For the level that an organisation spends in subsidiaries or its personal subsidiaries in nations abroad, it will be issued to a scope of legal, cultural and regulatory commitments, in all things about corporate governance...
1227 Words 3 Pages
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