Essays on Court

Court Hierarchy In The

Magistrates Court The Magistrates Court is a court of the first instance, this usually is where the case is heard for the first time. All cases start at the Magistrates Court and around 95% of criminal cases are completed here, this is because they deal with two different categories of offences. The Magistrates Court deals...
1033 Words 2 Pages

The Concept Of County Court Judgements

A County Count Judgment is a verdict made by the court with respect to an obligation that is owed. Since installments haven’t been made on the debt, according to the credit understanding, the bank will prosecute the borrower so as to get the cash owed to them. A CCJ is normally the last technique utilized...
960 Words 2 Pages

The Family Court System In Queensland

The family court system possesses a crucial function in managing family breakdown; this system deals with the tribulations and difficulties that children face during this challenging process. The law has procedures and requirements for the legal recognition of a family unit, the Family Law Act of 1975 is the current relevant legislation in Queensland. Family...
705 Words 2 Pages

Family Court In India

History of Family Courts in India Although ancient India was known for its laws governing the people both at family level and societal level it was only in 1953 the movement to establish a family court in India was initiated. It was Durgabhai Deshmukh, a noted social worker from Maharashtra after a tour of China...
2041 Words 4 Pages

Freedom of Movement: Case Reviews in the Court of Appeal

Abstract The Reid Commission, which framed the initial draft of the constitution, provided strong constitutional safeguards for basic fundamental liberties and rights such as personal liberty; equality of citizenship; freedom of movement, speech, assembly and association; freedom of religion and rights in respect of education and private property. This case review will focus more on...
3704 Words 8 Pages

Constitutional Supremacy of Courts: Analytical Essay on Problems with Justification

There are recent existing theories challenging constitutional supremacy of courts adopting positions which grant privilege to courts, though not supreme in a very fundamental role of shaping rights in the Constitution. This discussion explores and focuses on the privileges of court shielded by the Constitution, exclusively in the protection of issues such as individual rights...
980 Words 2 Pages
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