Essays on Crime Prevention

Possible Flaws Of Traditional Forensic Science

The criminal justice system often trusts on forensic evidence to convict or exonerate the suspect but some professionals may believe that forensic practices including bite mark, DNA and hair examination lack integrity. When forensic methods such as DNA investigation are supposed to be methodically lawful, they have error rates higher than the public are led...
980 Words 2 Pages

Ways To Improve Our Criminal Justice System

¨We can no longer accept the things we cannot change, we must change the things we cannot accept¨ -Angela Davis. The American criminal justice system is failing morally, ethically, and socially. This is not a political issue, this is a moral issue. When we look at the surface of the criminal justice structure we think...
1115 Words 2 Pages

Criminal Justice System: My Opinion

Criminal Justice System I think there’s quite a bit of change that should be made to the criminal justice system. Firstly, I think we should fix the minimum sentencing laws. I think when it comes to deciding and sentencing people for the crimes committed, it’s not entirely fair in my opinion. We have people who...
545 Words 1 Page

Homeless Youth And Delinquency

Youth who commit deviant and criminal acts may do so for a plethora of reasons. In researching the implications for juvenile delinquency, there are multiple factors to consider when analyzing each specific case. Some elements which must be considered include; the youths upbringing, their current living situation, and their current life-course pattern. Youth who grow...
3149 Words 7 Pages

Drug Testing At Festivals

In the last five years alone, ten lives have been cut short from drug overdoses at music festivals. With around 7.3 million drug users in Victoria alone, the rising amount of O.D.’s at music festivals is a problem that cannot be swept under the rug. How can we stop these children from dying before their...
424 Words 1 Page

Capital Punishment: For And Against

“Capital punishment is against the best judgment of modern criminology and, above all, against the highest expression of love in the nature of God”- Martin Luther King. What is wrong and what is right is inexplicable for human society, and one of the most controversial ideas or punishment that has us asking this question is...
564 Words 1 Page

Methods For Combatting Juvenile Recidivism

Abstract Recidivism is a major issue in the juvenile justice system today and is difficult to track and combat due to deficiencies in recording and reporting standards. It is important for juvenile justice agencies to attempt to combat this problem and they have many tools at their disposal for this. Some of these tools include...
1828 Words 4 Pages

A Comparative Review On Reducing Juvenile Recidivism For Juvenile Criminal Offenders In China, South Africa And The United States

Abstract “Crime and bad lives are the measure of a State’s failure, all crime in the end is the crime of the community”, H.G. Wells. In today’s society, juvenile delinquency is at an all time high. Juvenile delinquency refers to antisocial and criminal behavior committed by a person under the age of 18. A juvenile...
3190 Words 7 Pages
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