Essays on Crime

Fundamental Attribution Error in Rape Culture: Responsibility and Blame of Victims

Abstract This paper reviews the work of two studies on the responsibility and blame of victims. Cohn, Dupuis, & Brown (2009) prepared two studies to investigate responsibility based on resistance and reputation. While Untied, Orchowski, Mastroleo, & Gidycz (2012) created a study to measure responsibility responses towards victims and perpetrators. The intent is to recognize...

The Issue Of Hate Crime In New South Wales

In my experience as a working criminologist, I propose that significant attention be deliberated towards hate crime. Hate crimes have severe implications both for victims and for the community at large. We remain deeply concerned by the under-recording and under-reporting of hate crimes in NSW, which give us reason to believe that it is not...
1847 Words 4 Pages

Situation With Animal Cruelty In India

Animal Cruelty in India Introduction Mahatma Gandhi once justifiably aforesaid, “The greatness of a state is judged with the aid of mistreatment the way it treats its animals.” The records of the motion within the context of shielding the rights of animal’s dates decrease lower back to the third century once Ashoka expressly prohibited the...
1708 Words 4 Pages

Drunk Driving: My Reasons Against

Liquor is frequently involved in vehicle passings. As per police reports, at any rate one driver has been drinking (despite the fact that not really over the legitimate blood-liquor limit) in more than 30 percent of lethal accidents. During the timeframes in which liquor use is most noteworthy, that extent ascends to just about 60...
973 Words 2 Pages

Cyber Security: Issues Relating To Cyber Crime

Cyber Security “It’s only when you go wrong that machines remind you how strong they are”- Clive James Introduction Internet as the global network was introduced to make the lives easier and faster. But who knew that would come with whole lot of faults. One such defect of this was its overuse and crime that...

Animal Cruelty in Slaughterhouses: Analytical Essay

Every human on earth has his or her own opinions in any type of conversation or argument. These opinions can be shared in person or on the web in the form of videos, blogs or any form of communication. One intent of an author sharing his or her thought’s and opinions, is to encourage or...
1959 Words 4 Pages

Solutions To Minimize Hate Crimes

A hate crime is a crime which can be violent, driven by prejudice on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation or other footing . Hate crimes are stimulated by the sense of feeling superior to a group, disliking them for who they are or what they represent. Hate crimes have been around for centuries...
874 Words 2 Pages

Animal Cruelty: General Issues of Animal Rights

Introduction to the topic of Animal rights: Over the years, the public has grown increasingly aware and influential in the enforcement of animal rights on a global level. After years of tormenting our fellow fauna, humans have become more accepting and concerned of their past flaws, and this is the perfect time to open the...
2321 Words 5 Pages
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