Essays on Criminology

Long-term Psychological Influence of Domestic Violence

Abstract Domestic violence is, violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner or even children. With domestic violence there is always a victim, and these persons may suffer long-term effects psychologically. This paper will explore those effects through looking at least two articles, one a public...
1276 Words 3 Pages

Drunk Driving: Annotated Bibliography

Greenfeld, L. A. (1988, February 1). Drunk Driving. Retrieved from Lawrence A. Greenfeld is a Statistician for the Bureau of Justice Statistics who draws data from the FBI and state and local police agencies, as well as information from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to illustrate trends in arrests for drunk driving incidents...
1449 Words 3 Pages

Situation With Animal Cruelty In America

Americans have diverse opinions on animal cruelty, some are against it and some are for it. The people who are against it are sometimes focusing on a certain animal, such as, 60% of people are disturbed about animals in aquariums and amusement parks. Fewer Americans are disturbed about animals living in a livestock or in...
647 Words 1 Page

My Proposals To Stop Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty has become a very relevant topic as of late. In order to decrease the growing animal cruelty rate, laws should be implemented. Laws that pertain to the individuals who choose to harm these animals. Along with the laws that pertain to the companies who choose to test their products on animals. Lastly, the...
567 Words 1 Page

Human Trafficking in North Korea

First and foremost, human trafficking expands across the globe to men, women, and children, it doesn’t matter the gender, age or the status of your social class. However; human trafficking affects women the most, in regards to this serious faul violations imapct universal human rights because of poverty due to the lack of human rights...

Domestic Violence: Unfriendly Impact on Children and Women Because of Abusive Behaviour at Home

Introduction. Jeevasuthan and Hatta’s[footnoteRef:1] study report an unfriendly impact on children and women because of abusive behaiouvur at home. Children, particularly, are the most defenseless focuses as it seriously impacts physical and mental development. Alongside prevented development, they likewise face a crowd of difficulties and dangers for their life. Significant casualties of abusive behavior at...
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