Essays on Cultural Anthropology

The Principles Of Cultural Relativism

Common behavior in any society reflects the culture. Culture often reflects the customary events and behaviors of the group or population. Within the culture, the people share moral, practices and beliefs, from generation to generation. When observing society based on this concept, there are several advantages of cultural relativism. In this argumentative essay, I will...
1116 Words 2 Pages

Cultural Anthropology In The United States

Cultural anthropology is featured by the perception of culture itself. While many definitions of “culture” have been presented and argued among the intellectuals in last 100 years, a plain, yet absolute definition of culture is “the knowledge people use to live their lives and the way in which they do so”. Moreover, Culture is the...
927 Words 2 Pages

The Essence of Power: Anthropological Concepts

The Power by Naomi Alderman is a science fiction about what would happen if women were provided with powers that would make them physically superior to men. At the beginning of the book the author tells us a background story about how women developed a power that allowed them to shoot electricity out of their...

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