Essays on Customer

Advantages Of Utility Customer Service

As all kinds of utility companies in the country continue to march toward a data-driven paradigm, substantial investments in smart and new technologies are on a roll. One of these technologies is a smart meter. It is quite similar to a traditional meter in your home as it measures, and records data related to energy...
600 Words 1 Page

Customer Service: Building Relations With Your Customer

Customer administrations is a sizable piece of overseeing continuous consumer, patient connections, due to the fact that they’re the way to obtaining growth revenue. The concept of customer care is to deliver first-rate administrations so the customers may have a splendid encounter. I now work inside the social insurance industry and the corporation that I...
1113 Words 2 Pages

Sustainable Consumer Behavior And Green Consumerism

Over the course of the most recent couple decades the utilization of goods and services has expanded to a phenomenal levels. It leads to the reduction of natural resources rapid environmental decline and loss of biodiversity. As we can see individual behaviors have a direct impact on the lives of future generation and on the...
1052 Words 2 Pages

Salesperson Behavior And Customer Satisfaction

According to Hazrati et al (2012), sales position credit increases where sales are becoming increasingly important in the organization. Competition has pushed all companies to invest more money to increase professional salespeople and skilled marketers. Building a solid relationship with customers is one of the most important factors in successful sales force assessments as strong...
648 Words 1 Page

The Importance Of Marketing And Customer Value

Marketing is a complex and dynamic area of business that is defined by experts and businesses in countless different ways. It motivates and allows businesses to achieve their business objectives, which is to connect the customers and the organization by creating value for both sides. Customers are an essential asset of a business and so...
1580 Words 3 Pages

Customer Satisfaction Is The Main Condition For Maintaining And Building Loyalty

Abstract: To reach its goal and be effective, organizations must meet the requirements and needs of their customers. That is the reason why numerous analysts and scholars have continuously emphasized on the significance of client fulfillment, devotion and retention. Customer fulfillment is critical since numerous researches have appeared that customer fulfillment contains a positive impact on an organization’s profitability. Due to this, the results of client fulfillment and disappointment must be considered. There is additionally a positive association between client fulfillment, devotion and retention. In this manner, client fulfillment, dependability and maintenance are all very important for an organization to be effective.Key words: customer...
1166 Words 3 Pages

Types Of Risk Related To Consumer Buying Behavior

Perceived Risk In layman language, when a customer has that state of mind which is not fully clear before buying any kind of product or service. Its types are as follows: – Functional Risk: – It is related to the features or working of an item. For example, “Will the two-seater car is suitable for...
1095 Words 2 Pages

Consumer Behavior Factors In Online Shopping

Abstract Online shopping is a prevailing trend in the society, and it is growing rapidly nowadays. It has greatly changed people’s lifestyle, without stepping out the door, we can buy all kind of goods from all over the world. Nowadays, people would prefer online shopping rather than online shopping due to the convenience brought, especially...
2582 Words 6 Pages

Revealing Of Importance Of Customer Relationship Management

1.CRM stands for ‘Customer Relationship Management.’ The primary business value of customer relationships today is indisputable. Thus, many companies are implementing CRM in business initiatives and information systems as part of the customer-focused or customer-centric strategy to improve their chances for success in today’s competitive business environment. As we can see, ‘Daraz’ is a marketplace...
723 Words 2 Pages

Analysis Of Waitrose Customer Service

Waitrose is one of the biggest grocery stores in the UK. For such a big industry, it might be hard to monitor where it needs to make improvements, but Waitrose is doing its best to provide excellent customer service. Competitive advantage is an ability that allows business to make its work the best that its...
2841 Words 6 Pages

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