Essays on Cyber Security

Application Of Cyber Security Controls

Abstract- This paper shows how Cybersecurity Controls makes options and regulations which every individual, partnership, corporation, company and state or federal organization have to arrange or work out in the development and stronghold of cyber-security control. Over the past decade, it is obvious that Cybersecurity control is working out in the reduction of cyber-crime or...
2754 Words 6 Pages

Cyber Security: Malware Used By Hackers

Today’s use of technology has drastically changed since the 1970s since the first computer was released. Well, the year is 2020 and almost everything is done on the computer or a cell phone. In 2018, 84% of households in the U.S. owned a computer and in the same year, 765 million people were hacked or...
2050 Words 5 Pages

Cyber Security Threats And Vulnerabilities And Risk

1. Abstract The world is changing, as is its necessities and development. Apart from all the basic factors, technology has been a fundamental cause for development almost all around the world. With technology and computers evolving at this speed, it is obvious to encounter its threats and vulnerabilities. For all the positive reasons, cyber security...
2512 Words 6 Pages

Cyber Threat: Political, Socio-Cultural And Economic Perspectives

Cyber Threat Currently, technology is one of the significant factors in business. Almost every organization relies on technology to perform most of its activities. Due to the advancement of technology, most businesses succeed as technology gives an organization a competitive advantage in the market. Since 20th century, many companies have realized the importance of technology...
1087 Words 2 Pages

Cyber Security In Internet Banking

Abstract Internet banking is one of the fastest and easiest way of banking. The threat of cyber security attacks is one of the very big challenges for internet banking and industries that are included in electronic commerce. In this report, we first analyze the cyber security in internet banking in detail and then an explanation...
2439 Words 5 Pages

Introduction To Cyber Security: Data Security And Ways To Protect Data

Cyber-security is the practice of preserving computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malevolent attacks. It’s otherwise called data modernization security or electronic data security. Cybersecurity alludes to the act of safeguarding the trustworthiness, classification, and convenience (ICA) of data. Cybersecurity is included a proceeding preparation of instruments, chance supervision approaches, innovations,...
1332 Words 3 Pages

Cyber Security: Importance Of Full Knowledge Of The Operational Risks Of Information Technology

Abstract With access to the twentieth century and after the free-fall in the development the frightful world in various fields of scientific and practical, economic, social, technological, informational technology dominated the various developments since the world entered an era of the community information& security , at present information and Informatics has become the raw material...
1927 Words 4 Pages

Cyber Security: Types And Affiliated Programs

What is Cyber Security? ‘Cyber security is a shared responsibility and it boils down to this: In cyber security, the more systems we secure, the more secure we are all.’ (Jeh Jhonson). Cyber security is all about the protection of technology like smartphones, CCTV cameras, computers and every latest technology from unknown access or a...
2720 Words 6 Pages

Syber Security: Management, Planning And Administration

Cybersecurity is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It’s otherwise called data innovation security or electronic data security. The term applies in an assortment of settings, from business to versatile processing, and can be isolated into a couple of regular classifications (Kaspersky, 2020). In this...
1745 Words 4 Pages
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