Essays on Digital Devices

Side Effects Of Air Conditioner On Health

The use of air conditioners can be quite beneficial in keeping the heat and humidity at bay, particularly when you are indoors. However, it’s vital to know the side effects of air conditioner on your health, whether you’re an ardent AC user or you occasionally use it. The constant use of air conditioner may lead...
892 Words 2 Pages

Huge Implications Of iPod Classic In All Aspects Of Life

The iPod series ending in the iPod classic had huge implications in all aspects of life as we know it. It had an unorthodox beginning and the fist iPod was led by technological determinism. However, the subsequent generations were developed through iterations and the design process. Tony Fadell, Jonathan Ive and Jon Rubinstein were the...
2375 Words 5 Pages

Children's Obsession For Mobile Phone

In present days seeing smartphones in kids hands is a very common thing. For a hassle-free lifestyle, smartphones are essential for everyone, we know it also helps children with their studies in a very smart way, but when it turns into a bad habit and if they attach to the mobile all the time that...
1932 Words 4 Pages

Positive Effects Of Mobile Phone

The mobile phone is among the chief creations of the 21st century, and it’s had a very substantial influence on the lives of people around the world. The earliest mobile phone went on the market in the USA of America in 1983. Since the period of innovation and commercialization of mobile phones, its usage has...
913 Words 2 Pages

Negative Effects Of Cell Phones

Cell phone use is one of the greatest inventions of the 20th -century cell phones are something we can’t live without. The fact that this technology that we call the cell phones provides us with tons of functions, among which the most valuable one is communication. What do mobile phones provide for us? Well, phones...
545 Words 1 Page

Creative Use Of Camera Control

This report provides information obtained through literature review, regarding the creative use of camera control. This report will pay particular attention to shutter speed and movement, focus and aperture, choice of exposure, and changing focal length. Elaboration of each topic will highlight definitions, functions, importance, as well as suitable examples of the topics stated. These...
644 Words 1 Page

Advantages Of Cell Phones

Cell phones have become a necessity for everyone all around the world. We always want to be connected to our friends, family, and colleagues. Cell phones have the ability to let you talk to the family that are close to us and even family that might be across the world from you too. That is...
637 Words 1 Page

Brief Information About Apple’s First Generation iPod

This brief paper informs about Apple’s first-generation iPod. It addresses its chief parts and function. This ties to its significant impact to music history as well as inspiring the advancements of the iPhone and iPad. It was not the first device to allow portable music play, but it was the device that worked the best....
451 Words 1 Page

Computer Science: My Personal Experience Of Study

Computer Science is an exponentially growing field that has an abundance of job possibilities. Through the digital age constantly evolving, Computer Science is a prominent influence on society. Through observing the technological advancement in the past few years and seeing how computers have ultimately diversified the world, I am keen to be involved with the...
558 Words 1 Page
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