Essays on Digital Devices

Computer: Characteristics Of Virus & Antivirus

Computer Virus & Antivirus Every individual undoubtedly heard a lot regarding computer viruses when they own their computers. Basically ‘virus’ name represents a biological origin. It is an organism that infects its host and starts damaging the system. A computer virus is the same as a biological virus or human virus which infects humans. Human...
952 Words 2 Pages

Computer Project: A Brief Introduction To Computer

Introduction A Brief introduction to computer: A computer is a machine that is used for performing many functions, such as: Ability to store information (video, picture, data, document, etc…..). Processing data and files. Type documents, write reports and prepare seminars and presentations. Playing games. Creating apps, websites, and coding. A computer is made up of...
2044 Words 4 Pages

Concept Note On Mobile Phone: History, Functionality And Use

1.0 Introduction A mobile phone is a wireless communication device. It is a miniaturized but mobile version of a telephone having capabilities on par with a desktop computer vis-a-vis data processing. Today’s mobile phones or smartphones, now as they are called have touch screens instead of physical keyboards. More and more software applications are becoming...
822 Words 2 Pages

Air Conditioner Sector Report: Case Study Of India

Sectoral overview: India’s air conditioner market is very compact but is competitive and fragmented with its presence of domestic companies along with international players too. Sector has unorganized market participants which plays important role. The market is broadly divided in two segments that is split and window room air condition. But split room air conditioner...
636 Words 1 Page

The Effect Of Digital Camera On The Construction Of Contemporary Society

The camera is such a typical article in current life that it’s anything but difficult to underestimate it. Particularly in the advanced age, you may disregard all the moving and immobile parts that make a camera work. Regardless of whether you’re despite everything shooting film or completely making the most of your new DSLR, it’s...
1050 Words 2 Pages

Computer Software: Types And Ways Of Acquiring

1.1 Software What Is Software? A collection of instructions or programs that allows computers to perform tasks and facilitate the interaction of user, computer software with the computer hardware. i.e. “MICROSOFT SUITE OF PRODUCTS” it primarily directs all the peripheral devices on the complete computer system, it instructs the computer how to perform a task...
721 Words 2 Pages
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