Discussion Based On The Documentary Where To Invade Next: Opinion Essay

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One of the famous documentary films “Where to Invade Next” produced in 2015 which is directed by Michael Moore and it was interrelated to the culture of different nine countries and United States. During his travelling to the several countries he found out that each country has their own cultural issues that were not disclosed to the United Sates yet. Moreover he also discovered the many aspect of social and economic action that can be utilized or adopted in United States. He visits Italy, France, Finland, Slovenia, Germany, Portugal, Norway, Tunisia and Iceland. He spent time in each country and interviewing with different people of different organizations where he learned and understands how their culture that represents the beliefs, values and practices are different from the Unites States. Moreover, the social and the economic differences Moore highlighted in his documentary movie are; education system, women rights, workplace benefits, decriminalized drugs, reproductive health, hospitals and prisons and so on. If we compare this movie with sociological point of view this is based on functionalism where the society and culture both attaining the solidarity and stability and this is what Moore trying to capture them. The main purpose of visiting the different countries was to explore and point out the deficiencies in US with other countries all around the world. Furthermore, this movie tells us more about the ethnocentrism and culture relativism where he showing the practices of others culture and hoping to disperse them to the United States.


Now I am going to writing in detail about the countries that’s Michael visits and finds out the differences regarding theirs and US practices. when Moore visits to Slovenia, he notices that, their education system till university is free of cost and all the expenses paid by the government and the best things which comes out that, the foreigners can also avail this opportunity and it is attracting more students all over the world. On the other hand when we compare to the education system of the US, top ranking university are too pricey for the locals and doubled for the foreigners which is very awful thinking. US government should utilize the tax money on education not to maintain their infra structure also to cost free education for every student. In addition, Moore also discuss about the Finland education system where he learns that, their most of the top rated schools eliminating home assignments, no standardized testing to calculating the abilities of student. They believe on that the education system is solely based on learning skills with more emphasis on the growth and personality of the child as a whole. According to Moore, one of the teachers said, we are here to just find out, what student makes him/her happy. In contrast, the education system of United States is totally different. They are creating a burden over the student by giving them the home work and assignment and set the deadline to complete before due date. At the end, they will judge the student by so called standardized testing system. The disadvantage of this education system is that, students having no or limited time for extracurricular activities to fresh them up. Moreover, Michael also exposes the material culture (i.e. object or belonging to group of people). Like when he was in France they observed that, one of the poorest schools they served healthy and nutritious meal to their students in the canteen. On the other hand, he discussed with some non material culture (i.e. ideas, attitude and beliefs of society) like when he visits to Iceland he ascertain about the women’s power where they highly appreciate and to give them authority and position in government and business both. They believe that importance of women attitude having the inspirational role in the society all over the world. Importantly, this documentary film also emphasizes on some sign, gesture and words to provide clues regarding cultural values called symbol to understand the world and shared by the society. For example when Moore visits to German schools, they notices that they give the significance value to the symbol ‘Holocaust’ and studied in the schools so every student understand what their ancestor did. Furthermore, in France, as we discussed earlier about their education system, they also taught their children about the sex education to prevent teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and that’s consider an informal norm (i.e. casual actions that are generally and widely definite to prevailing standards attitude and practices). While the formal norms (i.e. established and written rules). For example, in Portugal, drug use has been legalized, and their police department is against the inhumane attitude of capital punishment. Last but not least, when I was watching the film, I was relating myself in cultural shock (i.e. personal disorientation when confronted with a strange way of life). Like according to the Italian culture, they give their employees to eight week paid vacations each year in addition, two hour lunch, apart from this, newly-wed couples are being able to enjoyed fifteen days paid honeymoon period. When Moore interviews some Italian CEO, they endorsed this schedule because they are thinking that it makes workers to be more stress-free and dedicated to their jobs. In contrast, I belong to Pakistan, when I compare the job related attributes they are totally opposite in a way that, multinational companies never allowed to be out from office not more than one hour either lunch break or something else. Secondly, in Pakistan, they are strict regarding the paid vacation that is not more than 15-20 days otherwise they will deduct from the salary. Moreover there are no honeymoon vacations; you are supposed to use the annual vacation if you need them. Besides all, they just allowed 10-15 days of maternity leave. So I was shocked and moreover, it’s attracting me the Italian’s work place rules and regulations.

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I would like to conclude this documentary film in two ways. The director of the movie Michael Moore also illustrates the concept of cultural relativism (i.e. judging a culture by its own standard rather than demonstrate it from the eye of one’s own culture) in his documentary film. This can be taken in positively or negatively either way. First of all, he visits nine countries and relates their culture to the United States in which he tackles the issues related to the socio-political environment (like health care, education, incarceration, paid vacations and drugs) .He release many brilliant and counter insightful strategies for success and this is the constructive, cheerful note than usual, though. Secondly, he relates the culture of United States to other countries in according to his opinion not linked, what others people belief and attitude about their culture that is not ethically accepted but his intension are not bad indeed, he just trying to picked out and accumulate the best thing in all nine countries and implement them into the United States. At the end, I just want to say we are thankful to Michael Moore for this inspirational and motivating documentary.


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