Essays on Disease

Nursing Of Childhood Obesity

Obesity is a critical medical issue that is normal among youngsters and teenagers in Western nations. Being obese is the basis of diabetes at a young age and enhances the threat of cardiovascular sickness in adulthood. Earlier avoidance of fatness decreases the probability of serious diseases in adulthood. Nurses can assist the guardian and children...
1148 Words 3 Pages

Overview Of High Blood Pressure

Dr Shepps book, Mayo Clinic on Blood Pressure, describes how to be on charge and protect yourself from hypertension. This includes understanding ways to be safe, preventing, treating and taking preventive steps in adjusting and maintaining the human body. Health is important in all living organisms especially humans. They can take care of themselves when...
693 Words 2 Pages

Development Of Study About Chronic Illness

The term ‘Chronic Illness’ can be defined as a long-term affliction which cannot be cured or vaccinated. It can be argued that Chronic disease is one of the most prevalent health care problems worldwide, (Lubkin 2006) argues that approximately 133 million individuals were living with a chronic condition in 2004. Respectively, (Busse 2010) states that...
1809 Words 4 Pages

Chronic Malnutrition Diseases

The discussion in this assignment will be focused on chronic malnutrition diseases and the effect it has on women’s pregnancy and children. The nutrition policy data and statistics will be compared between a less economically developed country (LED) in Asia, Nepal, and a more economically developed country (MED) in Europe, United Kingdom (UK). Concluding and...
2732 Words 6 Pages

The Issue Of Diabetes In The

Diabetes is a condition affecting 3.9 million people in the UK with 90% of these cases being type 2 diabetes. This is including the many people who are living with the condition but are currently undiagnosed. Type 2 diabetes is caused by problems with the hormone insulin, the body may resist the effects of insulin...
1275 Words 3 Pages

Types Of Dementia And Common Signs

Dementia is a brain disorder that can affect people in different ways. There are a lot of types of dementia but they all eventually become server. Unfortunately there is no cure. Vascular dementia Vascular dementia is a common type of dementia it is caused by reduced blood flow to the brain. It’s estimated to affect...
884 Words 2 Pages

Social Cues In Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term used to describe a group of deficits such as a lack of social communication and repetitive sensory-motor behaviours, it is associated with a strong genetic component as well as other causes, these deficits are said to appear early on in an individual’s life and ASD shows itself in...
2602 Words 6 Pages

Prostate Cancer In And Therapy

In the UK, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, with 47,500 men being diagnosed with prostate cancer every year leading to over 11,500 deaths per year. In Northern Ireland alone, over 1,000 men are diagnosed every year with prostate cancer with 250 dying from the disease (Prostate cancer UK, 2020). Androgen deprivation...
935 Words 2 Pages

Asthma And Its Treatment

Introduction Asthma is a complex heterogeneous disease, characterised by chronic airway inflammation and recurrent, episodic respiratory exacerbations, namely wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing, particularly at night (Kaufman, 2011). Danvers et al (2019) describe asthma as being the most prevalent chronic condition affecting children within the United Kingdom (UK), with 374 child deaths (14 years...
1665 Words 4 Pages

Diabetes: Signs, Symptoms And Other Factors

The intention of this essay is to examine the general feeling of those who are suffering from type 2 diabetes and discuss some origins, signs including treatment needs. This subject was chosen because of the number of people currently receiving diagnoses for treatment. Traditionally, this illness was believed to be a disease for those above...
911 Words 2 Pages
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