Essays on Documentary

Marijuana: A Chronic History: Documentary Commentary essay

This week’s documentary Marijuana: A Chronic History, gave insight of America’s usage of drugs and why people are seeking marijuana. In the United States Marijuana is taking the lead over tobacco and wheat. Past Presidents George Washington and Thomas Jefferson also grew Marjuana on their own farms. Marijuana was used as legitimate tender. Plants of...
660 Words 1 Page

Super Size Me: Movie Review

A Health Risk is the chance or probability that something will hurt or otherwise affect your health risk factors is divided into the following groups: 1. Behavioral Health Risk, 2. Psychological Health Risk, 3. Demographic Health Risk and 4. Environmental Health Risk. 1. Behavioral Health Risks are related to the ”actions” that the person has...

Capturing Conflict In Documentary Film: An Introduction To Dialectics

Summary This essay is about dialectics in film. More specifically the essay will offer insight in how the notion of dialectics helps to explain cross-cultural differences captured in short documentary film. Dialectics in the documentary will be framed by explaining dialectics and drawing upon Theodor Adorno’s perception of conflict in society. Roger Odin’s vision on...
2296 Words 5 Pages

Documentary Review: A Volatile History

Chemistry: A Volatile History is a documentary that explores the complex and interesting past of one of the most abundant chemicals in the universe. In part 1 (Discovering The Elements), Al-Khalili traces alchemists that risked their lives to uncover the mysteries of the building blocks of the world. Throughout the numerous captivating experiments that gradually...
856 Words 2 Pages

Bowling For Columbine: English Documentary Analysis

Bowling for Columbine, written, produced and directed by Michael Moore as he shoots his shot at the democratic labour party of guns galore. Only to reveal the underpinning relationship between gun violence and the mass masculinity within his documentary. Written in 2002, Michael Moore discusses the boundaries of gun laws in America and the violence...
1177 Words 3 Pages

Documentary Blackfish: Critical Analysis

The documentary Blackfish was released in 2013, being directed by Gabriela Cowperthwait. that it tells the overall story of tilikum type a captive killer whale that provides taken over the overall lives of many people. blackfish underlines issues inside seaworld as well as man’s relationship as well as nature. also, successful documentary film it teach...
712 Words 2 Pages

Super-Sized Lies In Documentaries: Critical Essay

Are Documentaries Just One Big Super-Sized Lie? Aleisha Gibson investigates how documentaries are misleading and manipulative. They create a false reality where they twist the truth of the situation and leave out significant information. Thursday 28th November, 2019 Super-Sized Lies are in most documentaries this day in age. “Super-Size Me” alleged that McDonald’s is why...

Documentary Reflection: Essay On Production Proposal

Production Proposal The documentary was made by our group of five, it was decided that Felix would be the Cinematographer because of his expertise with camera operation, Henry would be the Screenwriter and Riley would be the sound designer. Lucas and I were having a hard time choosing between editor or director, but due to...
1126 Words 2 Pages

The Impact Of Powerful Documentary Films To Instigate Policy Change

Documentaries are extremely important sources used to depict some of the world’s biggest issues through the medium of film. Particular issues are segregated to highlight areas of controversy, and in certain circumstances, can result in policy change. Simon Kilmurry, executive director of the International Documentary Association believes there is an “urgent need for the stories...
1713 Words 4 Pages
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