Essays on Dolphin

The Bottlenose Dolphins Of The Moray Firth: Cetaceans On A Precarious Knife-edge

A little Background A massive array of wildlife make the Moray Firth their home; including many European Protected Species such as Harbour Porpoise and Minke Whale Otters, Grey Seals, Harbour Seals, seasonal visitors such as Basking Sharks and various Seabirds. However, it is the globally unique Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) who are the talking point...
2411 Words 5 Pages

Bottlenose Dolphins: Theory Of Mind Research Report

Background Theory of mind refers to the ability to understand another’s mental states including their intentions, desires and beliefs (Apperly, 2012). An important question and a current debate that researchers are trying to discover is the age at which humans begin to develop a theory of mind. It has been suggested that children develop a...
1522 Words 3 Pages
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