Essays on Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence: Case Study of The Brown Family

Introduction The following case study documents the criminal hearing of assault and then intervention order which was heard in the Adelaide Magistrates Court during January of 2012. The purpose of the Adelaide Magistrates Court is to provide access to a number of courts and services. They include Magistrate Court, Criminal and Civil, Drug Court, Diversion...

Gender Shapes Societal Perceptions of Domestic Violence among Refugee Communities

Introduction: Domestic violence or Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) has been recognised globally as a serious social, health and human rights concern. This may involve sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. Although domestic violence occurs across all cultural and faith communities (Devries et al., 2013), little is known about how refugee women settled in Australia experience violence...

Impact of Domestic Violence on Society

As Chief Policy Officer for the prevention and reduction of societal crime in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), a directive has been given by Andrew Barr, the ACT’s Chief Minister, to reduce domestic violence rates in the Territory. Violence, whether an action against an individual or against the greater community, affects everyone. In order to...

Domestic Violence: Unfriendly Impact on Children and Women Because of Abusive Behaviour at Home

Introduction. Jeevasuthan and Hatta’s[footnoteRef:1] study report an unfriendly impact on children and women because of abusive behaiouvur at home. Children, particularly, are the most defenseless focuses as it seriously impacts physical and mental development. Alongside prevented development, they likewise face a crowd of difficulties and dangers for their life. Significant casualties of abusive behavior at...
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