Essays on Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse Among Adolescents

KUALA LUMPUR: Police stormed a house-party at a condominium in the city and detained 14 youths, including seven who were underaged. A secondary school student among nine boys and five girls, were caught in the 2.40am operation said Dang Wangi police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Fahmi Visuvanathan Abdullah. It was told that the teens were...
1492 Words 3 Pages

Drug Abuse Among Athletes

The drug abuse among athletes occurs in all sports, but not every athlete consumes the drugs whether its a female athlete or male. The athlete may know his or her reasons to why consuming those drugs, at times it can become an addiction. The abuse athletes cause themselves have lots of effects due to it...
1053 Words 2 Pages

Impact Of Drug Abuse On Teenagers

Substance or drug abuse is habitual consumption of certain chemicals for the purpose of pleasurable effects. Drug abuse has become a prevalent sickness that mentally and physically affects an individual. It starts with a minute quantity and gradually disperses to a fatal extent. Approximate proportion that is addicted to drugs is around 190 million. Major...
2059 Words 5 Pages

Danger Of Drug And Alcohol Abuse

Most of the people often choose the fantasy and dreamy world than the harsh and tough reality. The reality we live in is hard and is very competitive for the survival and to look fit in the society as the human minds are set by the society and environment we live in. From the influences...
1379 Words 3 Pages
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