Essays on Economic Issues

The Economic Impact of Canada’s Aging Population

The Potential Economic Impact of Canada’s Aging Population For the first time in Canadian history, the senior population now outnumbers children in Canada (Grenier, 2017). This may come as a shock to many people, but not to others. Many have wondered what consequences this would have Canada’s economy and the answer isn’t pleasant; however, many...
1169 Words 3 Pages

Social Movements Across Latin America: Latin America Spring

Latin American today is amid ‘Primavera Latinoamericana’ also known as the Latin America Spring. A series of escalating civil disobedience movements are happening all across Latin America protesting against the inequality, austerity measures, authoritarian rule and corruption scandals which have been taking place in the continent for decades now. The protests have been developing across...

Mexico: Sustainable Development Goals

Mexico’s Profile Mexico has a population of 130 million and boasts of richness in cultural history and diversity as well as an abundance of natural resources. It is the 11th largest economy in the world and has strong macroeconomic institutions in addition to being open to private investment and trade. The authorities in Mexico have...
2240 Words 5 Pages

Income Inequality Versus American Dream: Comparative Essay

Many may say that income inequality has been around for as long as the American Dream has. The American Dream appears to be this theory of one earning a great job making up to six figures or more, being able to support their family with expensive gifts, driving new fancy cars as well as sending...
2721 Words 6 Pages

America In 1980: Oil Crisis And The Iran Hostage Crisis

With the constant economic and social downfalls that Americans were facing leading up to the 1980 Winter Olympics, America was dividing and the solution for building back that unity came from one victory; team USA’s win over the USSR in hockey. This event single-handedly captures what it was like to truly be an American during...
900 Words 2 Pages

Income Inequality: Why It Is Bad For America

Income inequality has been a point of discussion since the time of ancient Greek philosophers and is an increasing concern today for many Americans. Income inequality means that the money people earn is unevenly distributed among the total population. Personal income can be categorized in several ways; income from paychecks, income from providing a service,...
1825 Words 4 Pages

Economic Inequality: My Position Versus Opposing Position, Refutation Of Opposing Position

Introduction: Despite the fact that there is an exceptionally long history of concern with economic inequality, interest for this point has increased significantly after decades of stability. Economic inequality is the unequal division of salary and opportunity among various gatherings of society and has been a concern of many nations around the earth and recently...
1542 Words 3 Pages
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