Economic Problems In Ancient Rome

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Rome’s success involved many things. One of them being was that they had a better army than other countries, that had good training and their ability to invent new military tactics. Another reason is that the roman had good technology in how to build their civilization well. Lastly is the Roman were great with organizing themselves to be a good leader of big countries. Rome’s fall was because of three reasons. One of them being that the pipes carried lead poison, which would affect people by getting them sick or giving them mental disabilities and behavioral issues. Another reason was the economic problem including the overreliance of slave labor. Lastly, Rome was overexpanded and did not have enough troops for protection. To preserve the empire from falling those are the things that have to get fixed.

They had a good army

The Roman Army is a powerful force due to their strong discipline and extensive organization skills. They had a good army that had good training and their ability to invent new military tactics. They also learned thing quickly to make them successful to conquer other areas. The Roman Army developed fighting techniques that were linked to a ferocious training regime. The most important fighting unit of the Roman Army was the legion commanded by a legate. The Army was seen as an example for other counties. They had advanced technology in how to build their civilization to rise. They had the technology to build a good road that would allow them to make trades and conquer other countries. They also had the technology for concrete, aqueduct, and arches. they also build many huge stadiums called amphitheatres. People will gather in amphitheaters to watch shows with clowns, jugglers, and acrobats. People watch the fights between wild animals and gladiators. Gladiators were usually slaves or criminals who fought with swords against animals or one another. The Roman are good at organizing themselves and as ruling large territories. This was

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Rome’s success involved many things. One of them being was that they had a better army than other countries, that had good training and their ability to invent new military tactics. Another reason is that the roman had good technology in how to build their civilization well. Lastly is the Roman were great with organizing themselves to be a good leader of big countries. Rome’s fall was because of three reasons. One of them being that the pipes carried lead poison, which would affect people by getting them sick or giving them mental disabilities and behavioral issues. Another reason was the economic problem including the overreliance of slave labour. Lastly, Rome was overexpanded and did not have enough troops for protection. To preserve the empire from falling those are the things that have to get fixed.

They had a good army

The Roman Army is a powerful force due to their strong discipline and extensive organization skills. They had a good army that had good training and their ability to invent new military tactics. They also learned thing quickly to make them successful to conquer other areas. The Roman Army developed fighting techniques that were linked to a ferocious training regime. The most important fighting unit of the Roman Army was the legion commanded by a legate. The Army was seen as an example for other counties.

They had advanced technology in how to build their civilization to rise. They had the technology to build a good road that would allow them to make trades and conquer other countries. They also had the technology for concrete, aqueduct, and arches. they also build many huge stadiums called amphitheaters. People will gather in amphitheaters to watch shows with clowns, jugglers, and acrobats. People watch the fights between wild animals and gladiators. Gladiators were usually slaves or criminals who fought with swords against animals or one another.

The Roman are good at organizing themselves and as ruling large territories. This was very important in a world where communication was only as fast as a person or a horse. Without it, Rome would not have expanded nearly as far or be able to move resources it needed to move around its empire.

Lead poisoning in the pipe causing a mental decline in population

The lead poisoning causes mental health issue like disabilities, behavioral issues and other problem to adult and children which is affecting the population. To stop it spreading to other people, people should stop drinking the water to not get them sick. Also to stop making things out of the cheap lead and make out something better like steel. Lead poisoning is also causing infertility, a loss of memory and reduced cognitive ability, among many other symptoms. It is easy to see that if the population wasn’t sustained and the ruling classes were becoming steadily less intelligent.

Economic problem and the overreliance of slave labor

Rome is under attack from outside forces, it was also crumbling from within thanks to a severe financial crisis. Constant wars and overspending had significantly lightened imperial coffers, and oppressive taxation and inflation had widened the gap between rich and poor. In the hope of avoiding the taxman, many members of the wealthy classes had even fled to the countryside and set up independent fiefdoms. At the same time, the empire is rocked by a labor deficit. Rome’s economy depended on slaves to till its fields and work as craftsmen, and its military might had traditionally provided a fresh influx of conquered peoples to put to work. when expansion ground to a halt in the second century, the supply of slaves and other war treasures will begin to dry up.

Overexpansion and military overspending

The overexpansion and the military overspending is causing Rome to be a large country to the protection from rivals that try to bring Rome down. Another thing that is getting harder to control since there are more people it getting too populated. Rome struggled to send enough troops and resources to defend it’s frontiers from local rebellions and outside attacks because it getting overcrowded and as a solution, people could move to not just surround one place.

Overall Rome success was because of the reasons that made Rome very successful and power like if the army was not that great then Rome would not be a good country, second is the technology that the country has created many useful things that made it a better place. Lastly, if the leader wasn’t a great leader that it would not have expanded it would have made chaos. Rome’s fall was because of reasons and if those reasons go unfixed then the population would decrease and the financial problem will rise and it would overcrowd the area. First thing lead poison will not just the population, it affects everything because if there is not one single health person that how will the job get done and how will an empire grow. The second reason is that there is a problem with the money, how are the people going to live with paying to stay alive. The third reason is that if people don’t move out of that one area, it will get too crowded and there will be a problem with trying to protect just one area with many rivals. If nothing is done that will be the end of Rome.


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